Established 2010

Established 2010

Friday 15 April 2011

New gloves and booties...

The sea was calm, tide coming in, air temperature about 9 and sea about 10.  This week's Brighton marathon finishers; Pete the Pike and Hildi, joined the usual gang of Paul C, Sara, Joan and Ollie.  Hildi and Pete were a bit out of practice at getting ready for open water swimming, but it wasn't too long before we all headed down the beach, with Paul making his entry from the wall.

Hildi's face was cold and she wasn't sure she'd manage the 4 'widths' Ollie prescribed, but her new gloves and wetsuit socks kept her toasty and the face got used to it.  Pete appeared to be swimming laps towards France and back, whether by design or not wasn't obvious.  The regulars looked comfortable, although pink and glowing, with the bare skin exposed to the water.  Gloves and boots sufficient insulation for these hardy chaps who've been keeping our spot warm all winter.  Lots of exclamations along the lines of 'This is lovely!', and Hildi did not want to get out!

Hot water (no tea/coffee hiding in Hildi's flask today), a few tingles and wriggled into dry clothes.  Joan and Sara's towelling hoodies much admired.  A bit of talk about pre-race nutrition for the Forestman swim (Hildi and Sara) and race strategies for the Arun (Sara and Pete).  Planning for a picnic next Friday - meatloaf, hot beverages, even a gazebo have been mentioned.  Hope there is a good turn out.

In 7:10, out 7:30.

PS That was the best bit of my day!  Home for further resuscitation work on the i-pod, and to a parking ticket acquired while reading to the kids at Elsie's nursery :-(

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