Established 2010

Established 2010

Friday 29 April 2011

Out to another buoy

A slightly more chilly morning greeted us for this Not the Royal Wedding swim. The north east wind persists, making the sea look deceptively calm, particularly at high tide. The trade-off being that there can be a wicked current running out to sea in the same direction when the tide begins to turn. But we were all undeterred and decided to go for it. Problem was, we were not too sure what we were supposed to go for. Might it be the buoy discovered on Wednesday or another which had miracously appeared since then. Probably the same distance out, although more aligned with the groyne we were sheltering next to. A debate followed as to its colour, it looked yellow to me, but Ollie insisted it was pink. Later turned out he was correct. The wetsuit division headed out first, followed more gingerly by the non-wetsuit division. Joan kept careful watch nearer the beach and swam widths. Hildi led the charge with me determined to keep pace, though ita just impossible to catch these youngsters. Pete and Ollie followed close behind. All four of us touched the buoy and headed back in, having to do battle with the surface chop smacking against our faces. I took a couple of mouthfuls of the stuff, and with steamed up goggles just tried to sight on Hildi's red swimming cap (which SOOOO clashed with her brand new wetsuit). Anyway, it seemed easier than Wednesday, probably because we all knew it was easily doable. Back on the beach, it was tea provided by Hildi on her Kelly Kettle, and carrot cake. Wonderful stuff. And not a Union Jack in sight. We all trekked off the beach vowing to return next Wednesday. Rottingdean cannot be far away now.

Time In: 7:14
Tine Out: 7:38
Swimmers: Hildi, Paul, Pete, Ollie and Joan
Sea Temp: 11C
Air Temp: 10C

Not the Royal Wedding party !

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