Established 2010

Established 2010

Friday 27 May 2011

Circuit training cancelled due to rough seas

The plan had been to swim four circuits of the buoys today. Problem was, a sharp WNW wind was creating a wicked swell in the mottled green sea under an overcast sky. We have seen better days at SSF so this probably explains the absence of the rest of the gang who, I am reliably informed, are waiting for the warmer weather in August. We were also without another regular stalwart in the shape of Sara, so it was just us three today.

After a jog along the coast to warm up, we debated whether today would be the day for our first 2011 swim to Rottingdean, or maybe from Rottingdean. We opted against this because "Sara would be p****ed if we did it without her". And coupled with this, the size of the waves made for a useful deterrent.

Ollie was first out of the blocks, bravely finding his slot in the oncoming waves and without hesitating diving in. I have to admit, I was somewhat apprehensive about swimming out to the far buoys in these rough seas, I felt we could easily encounter problems if the current was strong. Fortunately it wasn't, although after some deliberations Ollie and I decided to swim a couple of widths between the near buoys. It made sense, and I wasn't sorry that the original plan was postponed.

The swim back to shore was a bit tough, with an undertow always threatening to drag us back out to sea. Joan was stood on the beach in the centre by the water's edge and seemed genuinely pleased that we made it back without difficulties.

Not much training today for the big one on August 6th, but good to experience some of the rougher seas if only for a short while. Tea and croissants on the beach completed the morning.

Time In: 7:16
Time Out: 7:34
Swimmers: Ollie, Joan and Paul
Air Temp: 16C
Sea Temp: 13C (Felt a little colder)

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