Established 2010

Established 2010

Friday 13 May 2011

Circuit Trainng

The tide was in, the buoys were out, time to start increasing the distance in readiness for the big one in August. Ollie suggested a first trip to Rottingdean, but we decided against it today, preferring instead to start some circuit training around the buoys. Opting to do two, the three of us (Ollie, Sara and Paul) made a start, swimming the "devil's route" anti-clockwise.

We quickly discovered that there was a good current running towards Rottingdean which would have made that particular trip very easy to do, probably setting a new record in the process, but we stuck to Plan A instead. Sea temperatures are now quite manageable, so there were not likely to be any problems in that regard.

The swim to the far buoy was straightforward, the back strait was more problematic, swimming against the current and into the sun. Fortunately, the surface chop was less than recent weeks with a welcome return of the South Westerly wind.

Ollie and Sara completed the course first, with myself following behind. Two laps completed, all went well. Back onto the beach for some chocolate cake prepared by Sara. A good morning's swimming clocking up an impressive 48 minutes in the water.

Time In:7:15
Time Out: 8:03
Swimmers: Ollie, Sara, Joan and Paul
Air Temp: 15C
Sea Temp: 14C

The course - it's further than it looks!

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