Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Caught in the Act of Swimming

A chill to the air this morning, 9 deg when we left the beach so about 7-8 when we arrived as the sun was starting to rise.  The tide was out but not too low.  there were three buoys in a straight line marking out a net we thought, out about 150m which we decided after some debate to do two laps of.
Hildi, Pete, me (Ollie) and Paul set off whilst Joan and Sara decided to soak up the sun in shallower waters, Sara no doubt discussing final plans for Sunday's exhibition although that is only specultation as I was out at sea at the time!
So we powered on, Hildi had set off first but as I got just 30m from the buoy hildi had turned around and was swimming back to me.  she had swam into a rope.  we speculated that the net the buoys marked was nearer the shore and were proved right as paul ploughed straight into it!  We turned to say to Paul mind the net and he said "Yes I know, I'm caught in it!",  It was a sheet of vertical net that was huge.   A slight moment of panic but when we realised that we could still just touch the bottomwe were able to relax and untangle Paul, while I made it over the net to catch up and warn Pete, who had managed to go straight over it blissfully unaware of the danger.
We retreated, sensibly, to the beach side of the net and swum some hard efforts across the beach to regroup with the others and head in for warm drinks.
Moral of the story, buoys are great swimming markers but people don't put them out their for fun - beware!

swimmers: Joan, Hildi, Sara, Paul, Pete, Ollie
20 min swim, in a little surface chop heading back to shore, slight current as the tide was changing.

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