Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Hey, let's have a race!

After a week off due to child-care commitments, Hildi was very apprehensive at the news that the sea temp was probably now in single figures. Luckily she had not brought her wetsuit, so there was nothing for it but to wail and shriek and eventually get into the water.

By the time she had pronounced it impossible, and run along the beach for a warm up, Ollie had already tombstoned in and he, Pete and Paul were well on their way to their first length of the groins, and Sara was in the water. Joining in, we all swam to Pete and then headed off for a shared length. To keep warm, Hildi suggested a race, and Ollie an impromptu time trial. Start at the Westerly groin, hands touching, and swim to the East, to touch. Ollie won, Hildi second with a 2:22 (I think?). Back for a more leisurely length then some dead man's floating (or was that before, the cold is starting to addle the memory?). Sarah out first, the boys moaning that it wasn't as warm as it has been (I did my best - was obviously dehydrated) and then turning to swim breast-stroke and goggle-less into a beautiful sunrise. Hildi last in, last out.

Race against time to get dressed before the shakes. Ollie showing off a snazzy pair of pants, Hildi extolling the virtues of the sockless solution (Ugg boots) and deciding that yes, putting on tights was going to be completely out of the question (cue comfy joggers under the work dress). Coats and hats now de rigour for most, although Ollie still showing off his Lanza tan under shorts.

In honour of Joan's birthday (and in her absence), we shared the rather pathetic cake rations (3 left over mince pies) that Ollie had brought and Hildi ate her instant porridge. A bit of bike repatriation/redistribution (Pete reverting to natural 'Pete the Bike' type for the winter, clearly), some discussion about Joan's birthday swim to come on Friday and wishing Hildi luck for her Headteacher assessment on that day too.

Sea calm and tide high. Company quietly mad and appreciative of all the morning had to offer.

PS please post time trial times if you have them.

from Ollie:

thanks for the funny blog Hildi.....times for the race are below.
Ollie: 02:07
Hildi: 02:22
Paul: 02:47
Sara: 03:??
Pete: 03:41

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