Established 2010

Established 2010

Friday 18 November 2011

What a shame I missed it (Undertow)

I wasn't there but I took an account from Sara. 

"You missed a lovely swim.  The sea was perfect, just how you like it.  Really rough!. And I baked scones with orange and home made honey.  Just me, Joan and Paul there to savour them!. What a shame you missed it."

It left me thinking, as she said, what a shame I missed it :-(

Just for the record, the tide was going out and there were some quite tasty looking waves. Sara and myself headed out into them and just mingled. A pronounced undertow made the session a little challenging, but thankfully we managed to get back to dry land without a problem. A strong southerly wind guaranteed that there would be no respite when changing on the beach.

We trotted off home wondering just where Ollie had got to today.

Time In: 7:15
Time Out: 7:37

Swimmers: Paul, Sara and Joan

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