Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Cooling up and warming down

A nice warmish kind of morning. Flat sea and partly sunny skies. Ollie leads the charge by having us run up and down the sand, groyne to groyne in order to warm up. In we go, bounding across those unhelpful waves that rise up to greet our bodies. It is at this moment that my mind wanders to that time a couple of weeks back when I swam in Hampton Lido, an outside swimming pool that is heated to 28C. Lovely. I am wondering if Ollie could have a word with the council and get it sorted to have our beach installed with the same facility? Just a thought. We all preteneded it was fine, but each of us winced as the water rose. Except Joan that is, who complained that she preferred the snow. At least that is what I think she said, couldn't hear much with those ear plugs in. So, swimming groyne to groyne, which was easy enough as the current was very gentle. There then followed some synchronised swimming and starfish impersonations. Good to see that there are no wetsuits yet, this must be a record, who will be the first to break? Pete is looking a little twitchy, Sara is thinking about it, Ollie remembers it wasn't this cold last year, Paul wonders why it isn't this cold at the end of the Pier and Joan is just made of granite. The session ended with further running up and down the sand on the beach. This was a "warm-down", although I felt this had mostly been accomplished whilst in the sea. Just saying.

Stay tuned, next week I write the end of term report for all attendent swimmers !

Swimmers: Ollie, Joan, Paul, Sara and Pete
Sea Temp: 11C
Air Temp: 7C

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