Established 2010

Established 2010

Friday 11 November 2011

Shaky hands man

Hang on a minute.  What happened to the weather?  Suddenly Saltdean’s sea was seriously sobering.  Cold was generous.  Blood clotting was a better description.  We soldiered on with a pattern I’m beginning to notice develop down on the beach before heading in.  Each swimmer glancing round just before another item of clothing comes off.  The logic behind this can only be what I know myself to be thinking at the same time.  “I’m not taking off my jumper until all you lot do”.  And so on and so on with each layer until finally It seems we suddenly all take the last item off at the same time and dash into the water J

Well, off we did go with our usual Friday widths of the groynes.  We managed 4 with some stops on the way to chat with Joan, and we all had a go at floating star shapes.  Very therapeutic!

Out of the sea we are slowly getting worse at getting dressed shivering.  You would imagine we would be improving our technique, but it doesn’t appear so.  Even fully showered, clothed and with tea in hand the shakes take over.  Scoulding tea dousing the fleshy hands as it ripples and splashes out of the cup thrown out by our uncontrollable shakiness.  Well, it makes us giggle at the time.  Guess its one of those where you have to be there J.

Have a good wkd everyone!

Alex, sara, paul, hildi, joan, Ollie
13 deg. 21 minute swim.

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