Established 2010

Established 2010

Thursday 1 December 2011

It ain't 'arf hot mum!

Swim number 100 this year. That is a lot of swims!

Unseasonably mild. This time last year saw the snow arrive bringing much colder sea and air temperatures and fewer SSF members willing to brave the elements. Today saw a good turnout although group leader Ollie chose not to swim and headed off after providing a pep talk.

Still almost dark at 7am, although temperatures reasonable and not too much wind. Tide going out, plenty of white water, but nothing too difficult. Rain clouds overhead and threatening a downpour. With this in mind the group got quickly changed with myself (Paul) leading the charge and Pete following close behind. I realise now that it is much easier to follow somebody else into a cold sea, a leadership role Ollie performs admirably. Today it was my turn. Once acclimatised to the water it is not that difficult and its fun dodging under the incoming waves, but it does take a few minutes to become adjusted. Looking back I could see Hildi and Sara pacing up and down the beach looking for the warm bit in which to enter the water. Joan had no such qualms. After a few minutes, a green swim hat rose up out of the sea beside me - it was Hilidi - who had taken the plunge and made up a lot of distance very quickly. Soon all were swimming, or trying to, the current seemed to be defying logic and was acting as though the tide was coming in (ie going the wrong way). We had to be careful of this and continually correct our position. I kept a close eye on the time and decided that we would stay out no more than 20 minutes. As we were heading back in, the heavens opened and the rain started. This made changing out of our wet swimming costumes and into dry clothes somewhat challenging. Fortunately, just a shower - the rain that is - not the swimmers.

Impressive that the group has made it to the end of November without the need for wetsuits. Who will be the first to crack?

Swimmers: Joan, Hildi, Pete, Sara and Paul
Sea Temp: 9.5C
Air Temp: 7C

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