Established 2010

Established 2010

Friday 30 December 2011

Let's call this one, 'Goodbye 2011'.

Hildi and Sara arrived under an ink blue sky which promised a beautiful sunrise. Conditions calmer than Wednesday, although air temp only about 5-6.

Soon joined by Joan who told us Alex was expected. A little bit of procrastinating on the beach and then a shadowy figure coming over the pebbles. Was us our leader, Ollie AKA Kim Jong Il, or was he lying in state under the duvet? No, it was Paul, coming for some more cold water training and to show off his new yoda robie.

Lovely swim with lots of jumping over waves (about an hour after low tide with rolling white water so hopefully similar to Sunday for the NYD swim) and some swimming east to west against the current. Ten minutes in then running on the beach and a race to get dressed before the inevitable shakes.

Delicious cake from Alex. Discussions about catering for Sunday (Joan is worried 50 sausages won't be enough. Hildi also has 4 packs of bacon). Camping tables and flasks also allocated.

Can't wait!!!

Swimmers: Hildi, Sara, Joan, alex, Paul.
Swim time: 10 min
Temperature: 8 but it felt much colder

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