Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Santa came to play

Well, highly anticipated on this shortest day swim was the appearance of santa, but people were sadly let down by hi as he made final preparations for his forthcoming round the world trip.  Something about having to replace a shiny red swimsuit for someone as the last one was bought by a lady in Rottingdean....I'm not sure of the details.

But on the beach, Ollie, Hildi and Paul C huddled in rather a clam air that was relatvely mild for this time of year.  The se waves hit the shore over and over again inthe same place at high tide, which had created a shelf that was going to prve a little tricky to get in and out.  Stefan joined us soon after, and we sighed relief as there would be someone to pick up the two halves if we got cut in two by the big bashers.

Next, the headlamps of Joan's range rover gave her away up on the ridge, and at the same time two dark figures walked over the stones towards us.  It was Santa's little helpers Pete and Alison!.  Pete wasted no time in setting up his Santa's grotto with bells and music..."jingle bell, jingle bell jingle bell rock.." he was caught in the act!  see pic.

Then another dark figure emerged from the tunnel, this time with a huge sack.  Could this be Santa himself?  He looked laden with gifts, but we all agreed we hadn't been good enough this year to warrant some face time with santa himself, and as the figure moved nearer it was clear that he was clean shaven and not as "well fed" as we imagine Santa to be...of course...DOMINO!!  Without his beloved Sara, we all wished her well in her absence and know that she'll be back as soon as possible leading the charge to the sea...

Domino promptly suggested that we delve into his sack  and take a pressie, so we did and we were rewarded with homemade goods to take home.  Thank you Sara and Domino!!

On to the swim, after a couple of runs up the beach we headed in, picking the spot that seemed to be less big wavey, although that spot moved up and down the beach depending on when you ooked, so it was all a bit of a lottery.  I sensed a gap in the waves and went for it, closely followed by Pete, then Joan, Paul and Hildi.  Wearing my santa's hat in the sea was lovely.  Not only did I not get my face and head wet, it kept me strangley warm, although my fingers said this is cold!.  Later we found that it was 9 degrees, but it felt colder!
A few yelps of ooh! and eek! as we patted about until we got the lovely tingley feeling of the blood rushing back thrugh the body warming it, after 6 or 7 minutes.  With our free euphoria hit we regrouped and made our exits.  Paul opting for a few more strokes in prep for his Latvian adventure...

Once out we had more pics, and a lovely hot shower (thanks Joan) and were treated to further presents, this time from Hildi.  We had to open them before we got dressed, so all thinking it would be a hand warmer or something, we opened them to find new pants for everyone!  how amazing.  And not just any pants, these were comedy pants.  I would say super man had his thumb up my @rse, but you had to be there to fully understand the joke :).  I can't remmeber everyone elses, but I remember something along the lines of sex, drugs and sausage rolls....

more tunes, Pete's homeade mince pies, and hot drinks and before we new it, it was time to leave.  thanks everyone, have a lovely xmas and see you on New Years Day!! (if not before on a Wed or Fri)

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