Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 28 December 2011

In which Hildi realises that she has an addiction

It was dark, windy and precipitous when Hildi arrived in the car park, soon followed by Sarah and her chauffeur, Domino. Walking to the beach, we swapped information on CWA (cold water acclimatisation) - Hildi having got a new swimming book for Christmas (as had Sarah).

Decided to all go up the top to the sheltered area and looked out nervously towards the dark water, watching the rain gust up and down and around in the light from the lampost. Hildi suggested that is might be a bit too rough for swimming, but Joan assured her that it was fine because it was low tide. Hildi suggested it might be a bit cold for swimming, but the others gave a look which said that they weren't even going to answer that. Then Hildi remembered she had a slight post-Xmas cold, so she wouldn't go in, just keep Domino company on the beach. So she lent Joan her gloves and we all headed off.

It was wet and it was windy. Sarah wished briefly that she had her wetsuit, but the two ladies ran across the sand and into the waves. Hildi and Domino watched until Hildi could restrain herself no longer. It looked so much fun and it was cold on the beach. Stripping off and leaving Domino looking like an umpire under a pile of yodas, tracksuits and coats, she ran only in a swimming costume (no boots, no gloves, no hat, no goggles) into the waves. Sarah and Joan, seeing her silhouetted against the cliffs, thought she was 'doing a Steffan' and coming in fully clothed! Soon all three girls were romping about.

Hildi's feet soon cold, she ran out and into her sheepskin boots - continuing up the beach and quickly to get changed. The others more leisurely.

Post swim short-bread and plans for Friday. Hope to see more there. 7.15 meet for 7.30ish swim although it will still be darkish.

Time in: various
Time out: various
Temperature: cold and windy (out), cold and lovely (in)
Swimmers: Joan and Sarah
Paddlers/Rompers: Hildi
Umpire: Domino

On the way back we saw Ollie's advertising campaign for NYD in full swing. Hildi and Joan bringing sausages and bacon. Hope there will be enough!!

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