Established 2010

Established 2010

Friday 30 December 2011

Let's call this one, 'Goodbye 2011'.

Hildi and Sara arrived under an ink blue sky which promised a beautiful sunrise. Conditions calmer than Wednesday, although air temp only about 5-6.

Soon joined by Joan who told us Alex was expected. A little bit of procrastinating on the beach and then a shadowy figure coming over the pebbles. Was us our leader, Ollie AKA Kim Jong Il, or was he lying in state under the duvet? No, it was Paul, coming for some more cold water training and to show off his new yoda robie.

Lovely swim with lots of jumping over waves (about an hour after low tide with rolling white water so hopefully similar to Sunday for the NYD swim) and some swimming east to west against the current. Ten minutes in then running on the beach and a race to get dressed before the inevitable shakes.

Delicious cake from Alex. Discussions about catering for Sunday (Joan is worried 50 sausages won't be enough. Hildi also has 4 packs of bacon). Camping tables and flasks also allocated.

Can't wait!!!

Swimmers: Hildi, Sara, Joan, alex, Paul.
Swim time: 10 min
Temperature: 8 but it felt much colder

Wednesday 28 December 2011

In which Hildi realises that she has an addiction

It was dark, windy and precipitous when Hildi arrived in the car park, soon followed by Sarah and her chauffeur, Domino. Walking to the beach, we swapped information on CWA (cold water acclimatisation) - Hildi having got a new swimming book for Christmas (as had Sarah).

Decided to all go up the top to the sheltered area and looked out nervously towards the dark water, watching the rain gust up and down and around in the light from the lampost. Hildi suggested that is might be a bit too rough for swimming, but Joan assured her that it was fine because it was low tide. Hildi suggested it might be a bit cold for swimming, but the others gave a look which said that they weren't even going to answer that. Then Hildi remembered she had a slight post-Xmas cold, so she wouldn't go in, just keep Domino company on the beach. So she lent Joan her gloves and we all headed off.

It was wet and it was windy. Sarah wished briefly that she had her wetsuit, but the two ladies ran across the sand and into the waves. Hildi and Domino watched until Hildi could restrain herself no longer. It looked so much fun and it was cold on the beach. Stripping off and leaving Domino looking like an umpire under a pile of yodas, tracksuits and coats, she ran only in a swimming costume (no boots, no gloves, no hat, no goggles) into the waves. Sarah and Joan, seeing her silhouetted against the cliffs, thought she was 'doing a Steffan' and coming in fully clothed! Soon all three girls were romping about.

Hildi's feet soon cold, she ran out and into her sheepskin boots - continuing up the beach and quickly to get changed. The others more leisurely.

Post swim short-bread and plans for Friday. Hope to see more there. 7.15 meet for 7.30ish swim although it will still be darkish.

Time in: various
Time out: various
Temperature: cold and windy (out), cold and lovely (in)
Swimmers: Joan and Sarah
Paddlers/Rompers: Hildi
Umpire: Domino

On the way back we saw Ollie's advertising campaign for NYD in full swing. Hildi and Joan bringing sausages and bacon. Hope there will be enough!!

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Santa came to play

Well, highly anticipated on this shortest day swim was the appearance of santa, but people were sadly let down by hi as he made final preparations for his forthcoming round the world trip.  Something about having to replace a shiny red swimsuit for someone as the last one was bought by a lady in Rottingdean....I'm not sure of the details.

But on the beach, Ollie, Hildi and Paul C huddled in rather a clam air that was relatvely mild for this time of year.  The se waves hit the shore over and over again inthe same place at high tide, which had created a shelf that was going to prve a little tricky to get in and out.  Stefan joined us soon after, and we sighed relief as there would be someone to pick up the two halves if we got cut in two by the big bashers.

Next, the headlamps of Joan's range rover gave her away up on the ridge, and at the same time two dark figures walked over the stones towards us.  It was Santa's little helpers Pete and Alison!.  Pete wasted no time in setting up his Santa's grotto with bells and music..."jingle bell, jingle bell jingle bell rock.." he was caught in the act!  see pic.

Then another dark figure emerged from the tunnel, this time with a huge sack.  Could this be Santa himself?  He looked laden with gifts, but we all agreed we hadn't been good enough this year to warrant some face time with santa himself, and as the figure moved nearer it was clear that he was clean shaven and not as "well fed" as we imagine Santa to be...of course...DOMINO!!  Without his beloved Sara, we all wished her well in her absence and know that she'll be back as soon as possible leading the charge to the sea...

Domino promptly suggested that we delve into his sack  and take a pressie, so we did and we were rewarded with homemade goods to take home.  Thank you Sara and Domino!!

On to the swim, after a couple of runs up the beach we headed in, picking the spot that seemed to be less big wavey, although that spot moved up and down the beach depending on when you ooked, so it was all a bit of a lottery.  I sensed a gap in the waves and went for it, closely followed by Pete, then Joan, Paul and Hildi.  Wearing my santa's hat in the sea was lovely.  Not only did I not get my face and head wet, it kept me strangley warm, although my fingers said this is cold!.  Later we found that it was 9 degrees, but it felt colder!
A few yelps of ooh! and eek! as we patted about until we got the lovely tingley feeling of the blood rushing back thrugh the body warming it, after 6 or 7 minutes.  With our free euphoria hit we regrouped and made our exits.  Paul opting for a few more strokes in prep for his Latvian adventure...

Once out we had more pics, and a lovely hot shower (thanks Joan) and were treated to further presents, this time from Hildi.  We had to open them before we got dressed, so all thinking it would be a hand warmer or something, we opened them to find new pants for everyone!  how amazing.  And not just any pants, these were comedy pants.  I would say super man had his thumb up my @rse, but you had to be there to fully understand the joke :).  I can't remmeber everyone elses, but I remember something along the lines of sex, drugs and sausage rolls....

more tunes, Pete's homeade mince pies, and hot drinks and before we new it, it was time to leave.  thanks everyone, have a lovely xmas and see you on New Years Day!! (if not before on a Wed or Fri)

Sunday 18 December 2011

Swimmers' Bike Ride

The now annual Saltdean Seaswim Fitness/Virgin Active collaboration that is the Christmas bike ride took a bizzare twist this year when Pete the Bike decided that his strategy for keeping the pace down was to lead the pack on his Penny Farthing AKA the Ordinary.

We met at the Phoenix Brewery car park in Lewes: SSF regulars Hildi, Domino, Pete and Ollie, plus tropical water specialists Sharon, Nick and Theresa, sometime swimmer Clive, Alison, and the enthusiastic James with Paul and Helen. Theresa's dad, coach Brian, also joined us, giving his new bike an outing and not looking anywhere near his new pensionable age. Have I left anyone out? Oh, Anita was there and not late for once, and Anneka came to see us all off. Paul even had a go on the Ordinary!

It was a planned 25km route, taking in some off-road walking in order to keep to a nice route, but the temperatures conspired against us. Even those who had chosen the mountain bike option (rather than the Ordinary or the traditional road bike) found their wheels unsteady underneath them, and after Alison and Hildi had taken tumbles, it seemed sensible to make a return to Lewes and the mulled wine/mince pies on offer at Pete and Alison's via the main road. It was still enjoyable and lovely to have a little more respect from motorists than is usual on a group ride. The Penny Farthing definately having something to do with this!!

All finished strongly. James in particular deserves a mention for completing the ride. Back to Lewes, a bit of surgery on Hildi's overshoes so she could get them off after getting the zip stuck, some mince pies, Terry's chocolate orange (have they changed the recipe? It was delish!), hot drinks and a lot of giggling while we warmed up.

Many thanks to Pete for organising and for keeping the mentalness quotient high. Back to the water on Wednesday. Santa has gifts for the regulars and Sarah has one of her famous lucky dips.

Blog by Hildi

Friday 16 December 2011

3 of us in a 3C morning

Again a night swim! Alex, Joan and Sarah dare to enter in a very chilled and choppy sea. After a quick undress, the 3 of us run down to the beach on a fast pace in an 'I race you' behaviour, ending in a courageous entry in a low tide at  saltdean beach. We started at left groyne, hopping, jumping and diving through the waves, but due to the strong current, the 3 of us found theirselves very close the right groynes. Running 'stef style' and swimming away from the right groyne we aim back to the left groyne. After 10 intense minutes of varies fitness swimming exercises, we run back to the most wanted, Joan's mince pies. What a delight! and still warm :)

At the end the 3 of us left the beach with warm thoughts and wishes of a next week fun christmas dip.

water temp: maybe 8C
Outside temp: 3C "
by Alex.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Cold Water Training

Let's call this one... Cold Water Training Tips

7am, Hildi, Domino and Ollie in the car park. Domino tells us Sara and Joan had arranged to meet a little later because of the dark and because they thought no-one else was coming. Met Joan on the sea front and soon joined by Sara for pre-dip briefing from leader Ollie (not swimming because of a cold). No Pete today because of illness and Hildi thought she might only manage a post-flu paddle, but once the light appeared it seemed wrong not to embrace the sea. The three girls in for a romp in the waves. But who was that coming down the beach...?? Paul!! Come in in, Paul! But Paul had forgotten his hat. Amazing what a difference one small thing like that can make. It seemed to be a struggle against the cold but in the end he managed head under. Very very good training for the cold water champs in January.

All of us pink like Sara's hat on emerging from the sea. Hildi posing in half removed swim suit and Ugg boots, modelling surfer chic (she thinks). Paul urgently needs a yoda/robie - hope he makes it to Santa's 'nice list'. Sara showing off her new post-swim booties. What a fashion parade we are!

Disappointed we weren't joined by Hildi's colleagues for the beginning of their 'staff treat day' but a cup of tea spilt all over you when you're shaking from cold isn't everybody's cup of tea.

Swimmers: Hildi, Joan, Sara, Paul (no hat) - not a wetsuit in sight
Nonswimmers: Domino and Ollie
Temperature: 8.5
Time in: unsure due to deranged seagull impressions to warm up for a while before entry
Time out: 7.45

Swim on Friday - meet at 7.15 for swimming by 7.30, depending on light

Friday 9 December 2011

Nightswim with Joan and Sara

Good Morning, Sea Swimmers

Some say, the coldest hour is just before sunrise, so the ideal time for Joan and Sarah to go for a swim. I came along for lifeguarding cover and to take some photos.

After a quick run up and down the beach in the dark, our heroes braved the big waves for a refreshing splash. Keeping within health and safety guidelines, they did not swim out into the big waves.

After frolicking in the water for a good while, they came out and rushed back to our base by the groyne. Joan brought a bottle of fresh water for a shower, nice and cool, fresh from the freezer. Sarah loved it, sort of. We had a big laugh.

Unedited photos are available here:

Today's photos are at the bottom of the list.
Some are a bit blurred because it was too dark.

Sarah asks if someone with a colour printer can print out the photos for her.

Pool swimming is on tonight at 20:00h in Seahaven Pool, Newhaven.


Wednesday 7 December 2011

James and the Giant Beach

A solitary figure arrived at the appointed time this morning to be greeted by giant waves and an empty beach.  Eventually after throwing a few pebbles into the briney, Pete was about 
to wander back when Sara emerged from the tunnel clutching Herman (Hildi's continually evolving life form of a cake) and a birthday ode.
We were soon joined by Joan, Paul, Helen and birthday boy James. The tide was nearly in and the rollers were imposing.
All decided that a paddle was the order of the day seeing as the undertow was a good 15m down the beach and cappucino surf was frothing all around.
James, Joan, Sara and Pete ventured into the coffee fest with the former three electing for extreme leg exfoliation by high velocity pebbles, 
while Pete strode Canute like into the maelstrom. About this time, Paul noted the imminent arrival of a particularly large wave. Had Pete seen it?
Of course not, he was too busy extricating himself from the previous one. The wave hit and he disappeared, tumbling and scrabbling through the foam. Crawling back up the beach past fast receding pebbles, he decided to call it a day, and looked up just in time to see Sara and Joan sliding down the beach, bourne seaward by a fresh dose of cappucino.
All decided that they had made an effort and that tea cake and limerick were the remainders for the session.
James was pleased that he would have braggng rights at school and Pete was pleased that at least this week he would have retained the fine 
motor skills required to put his socks on.
Verdict: exciting sea, a display of cormorants and two new species of cake discovered.
Water: a balmy 10 degrees
In: 7.10 out: 7.25

Friday 2 December 2011

The usual Friday madness

Friday had ticked round - wha-hey!  The weekend of litter picking and partying loomed, but this morning it was time to get on with the job in hand.  That would be:

1.  Strip down in 5 deg air temp.
2.  Immerse oneself in 9 deg water
3.  Exit pretending you can still feel your nuts (some of the group excluded)
4.  Proceed to re-dress with what feels like frozen cucumbers for fingers.
5.  Walk up the beach with great big smile on ones face.

We got there in the end, cutting through that list was some tea spilling and some actual swimming in rather gentle waters compared to lately.

Swimmers: Paul, Alex, Hildi, Joan, Sara, Ollie.

Thursday 1 December 2011

It ain't 'arf hot mum!

Swim number 100 this year. That is a lot of swims!

Unseasonably mild. This time last year saw the snow arrive bringing much colder sea and air temperatures and fewer SSF members willing to brave the elements. Today saw a good turnout although group leader Ollie chose not to swim and headed off after providing a pep talk.

Still almost dark at 7am, although temperatures reasonable and not too much wind. Tide going out, plenty of white water, but nothing too difficult. Rain clouds overhead and threatening a downpour. With this in mind the group got quickly changed with myself (Paul) leading the charge and Pete following close behind. I realise now that it is much easier to follow somebody else into a cold sea, a leadership role Ollie performs admirably. Today it was my turn. Once acclimatised to the water it is not that difficult and its fun dodging under the incoming waves, but it does take a few minutes to become adjusted. Looking back I could see Hildi and Sara pacing up and down the beach looking for the warm bit in which to enter the water. Joan had no such qualms. After a few minutes, a green swim hat rose up out of the sea beside me - it was Hilidi - who had taken the plunge and made up a lot of distance very quickly. Soon all were swimming, or trying to, the current seemed to be defying logic and was acting as though the tide was coming in (ie going the wrong way). We had to be careful of this and continually correct our position. I kept a close eye on the time and decided that we would stay out no more than 20 minutes. As we were heading back in, the heavens opened and the rain started. This made changing out of our wet swimming costumes and into dry clothes somewhat challenging. Fortunately, just a shower - the rain that is - not the swimmers.

Impressive that the group has made it to the end of November without the need for wetsuits. Who will be the first to crack?

Swimmers: Joan, Hildi, Pete, Sara and Paul
Sea Temp: 9.5C
Air Temp: 7C