Established 2010

Established 2010

Thursday 12 January 2012

The almighty send off

As we gathered in the carpark for another venture into the drink, you could hear bags rustling.  People had brought with them more than usual and all according to plan.  We headed beach-ward.

Sunrise was daring to start, much to our satisfaction as we plonked ourselves happily at the west groyne, observing the low tide.  The water having turned about an hour ago to make its way back in, and so had already reached the very end tip of the eastern groyne, a sign that you could walk out and swim (just) before hitting rocks underfoot.  ThenDomino and Sara came over the hill and after Alex joined, we were all together, even Herman (if you don't know who that is then you need to come more regularly), and as was requested, several comorant fly pasts.

Sara's last swim for a while, and also her birthday tomorrow, so we treated heer to a personal touch.  All of us bringing something from our own reading collection to lend to her to see her through her lazy days and keep her mind off missing swimming!  Pete went first, a collection of some meaty novels alongside, as you would expect, an introduction to cycling - Domino eagerly offering to look after that one. Then me next, the entire 2011 blog for the lady that has everything except a PC and internet access :).  And a picture book on the coasts of the UK.  Hildi next, very proud of her offering and why not, the history of the Cod.  I don'tknow where you can buy such a thing, amazon no doubt but Sara may not know what amazon is! :)
Joan then followed with what seemed like the contents of her spare room book shelf and CD collection ha ha, fantastic!  A bit of classical music  - to work against some of the thrashy loud stuff from the CDs with a motorhead sticker on - oh, and some Pavarotti (I must boast I have seen him sing at the Albert Hall.  Alex brought a selection , btI didn't catch what they were, please let me know!  Perhaps we have started a book swap club!
Finally the group gave a book as a pressie, you don't have to give this one back sara, a history of Motorhead.  Thanks to Domino and Pete for organising that one.

All feeling splendid we went on to the normal birthday rituals, Paul W attempted to fill Sara's big shoes and compose his own birthday limerick for her.  It went:a little something like this...
There was a swimmer called Sara
Who when it got colder went barer and barer
In January its her birthday which is cute
Lets call King Canute
As she may just swim in her birthday suit

Great stuff Paul.

Then on to joan.  Joan had written an Ode to Sara, (already posted separately on the blog).  I know it sounds a bit pathetic, but I couldn't write this blog next to it, it had to be on its own.  I was quite moved by it - I'm not joking!  In the moonlit beach Joan read her poem and we were all captivated for the next 2 minutes.  The words are beautiful and sincere and just say it all about Sara.  Thank you Joan, I think you have already earned your gold award for 2012!!!!

Anyway, stop muttering you girlie wimp Ollie, get on with swimming.....
We all quickly undressed, except Paul who put more clothes on, and including Domino who had promised to go "shoulders under" today.  So confident of his ability to complete this mission he bought a SSF swim hat and donned it.   Good lad.  Then another sale from the SSF shop.  James, our youngest and bravest meber, grabbed one and so with the whole gang capped up, we began to warm up by running widths of beach.  Then the inevitable awaited, and without further a do we began wading out.  Some it has to be said slower than others.  With the low tide bringing with it the creeping death of a freezinf cold water line slowly moving up your body, some ran and some waled, some dived in and some gracefully lowered in like a 1930's lady.  I won't mention names as it doesn't really matter, we all have our own way of dealing with the cold.  All in and some that swam a little further out over the rocks joined feet in a circle of floating star shapes.....quite peaceful thing to do as you watch the sky turn burnt pink to burnt orange.  All of us mesmorised until suddenly woken by the fact our bodies were giving into the cold, we turned and came out.  Sara last out, hanging on to the last few minutes.

But the treats kept coming, a perfect sunrise, Herman devoured and another world class tin of chocolate brownies, we laughed our way to 8 o'clock and trudged up the beach. Sara and Domino apparently going home to a fire stoked by three drunk oyster catchers.  I missd the start of that conversation, perhaps the cold had got to us by then!  Really lovely morning, and something special out there today, just lovely.

swimmers: James, Paul W, Joan, Sara, Domino, Ollie, Hildi, Pete, Alex
paddliers: Sharon
non swimmers: nervous mum Helen :)
conditions, peaceful and quite dreamy.

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