Established 2010

Established 2010

Friday 13 January 2012

Oh no! I forgot my shoes!

A very chilly morning I thought, scraping the frost off the car.  I turned the key and it rumbled into life.  Flashing warning on the dash read "RISK OF ICE".  oh no.  that already tells me I will have cold feet until 10am.

Getting on to the beach we all looked round and round thinking we had lost something, and of course we have.  But we had had contact from Domino Sara was doing well so all well pleased.  We marked this swim in her honor.  Looking over the beach it was low tide again.  But hang on a mo, someone had the audacity to be on our beach.  Squinting it became clear....two fishermen were digging for lug worms by torchlight.  We had a couple of stares from them but they went back to digging.  All changed I reached into my bag to get my shoes...Oh no what a numpty.  Still drying out from weds in the spare room.  that tells me I will have cold feet until 11am!

Dashing across the pebbles we hit the sand and ran to the East groyne.  Joan and I a little ahead, stopped and exchanged words with teh fisherman.  He was dressed in warm clothes, outer clothes, wooly hat, anorak, big wellies, wooly socks.  His broad frame and tight-lipped face looked more weathered than the groyne he worked beside.  "You'll get frost bite!" he exclaimed, looking like he was about to rub his eyes thinking he was seeing things. But in true SSF community spirit, and noting I only have 2 hats left for sale I said to him "would you like to join us Sir?" he cackled like an old witch, turned, and went back to digging. 

Joan and I turned south and made our way in.  My feet were already cold from walking across the beach, now the cold water ran over them and I felt like an even bigger sissy.  I re-calculated....I will have cold feet until 11:30am!

But, you just gotta get in.  Joan and I both under, we were joined by Alex and Hildi.  After some puffing andshortness of breath, we were all in, saying it must be nearer 5 degress now!  Hildi laying down some impressive face under strokes we lounged in the shallows and let nature eat away at our core temperatures.  Followig the rush of warmth and blood to the core and brain we stood up and waded back in.  The rush was lovely.

Ran back to the bags and enjoyed warm shower before heading off.
swimmers: Ollie, Joan, Hildi, Alex
in 7:40
out: 7:47
conditions : would give frostbite to a fisherman.

nb: my prediction of cold feet was exagerated at hte time of making it, and I actually warmed up sufficiently not to limp in to the office by 9:30.  - just in case this affects my potential gold award.  Bring on the snow!!!  I need that gold award this year.....

1 comment:

  1. If it snows I will have to walk to the beach first as I won't be able to get my car out! But I want that gold award too!! :-)
    It wasn't only the fishermen who thought we were crazy. On the way back to the car a dog walker raised his eyebrows at me. 'You didn't?!' he exclaimed.
    But we did.
