Established 2010

Established 2010

Sunday 1 January 2012

Sea Swim Fitness welcomes 2012...

And so the year began...I surveyed the empty wine bottles on the kitchen worktop and gazed out the window.  The weather looked surprisingly promising although the forecast suggested a deterioration.  I had an hour and a half before I would meet the public so better get in to gear.  Load the car up, and head on down there.  The beach was deserted, a few dog walkers showing the calm before the storm.  I began to set up the gazebo, and over the hill came Paul who helped greatly.  Soon after, the gang arrived, with bar-b and food being set up.  Some very notable fancy dress efforts were unveiled, as people began to sign in.  Guest swimmers came forward and it was lovely to see some familiar faces from last year return.  Thanks to everyone for supporting the event.

The spectators and swimmers slowly gathered on the beach, perhaps 120 people approx, and I called a pre-swim safety briefing that included a large glug of rum to warm our hearts.  Within a minute or two, we siad GO!!! and all galantly trotted into the sea.  Cheers from the beach and cameras flashing the hardy souls waded through the advancing breakers.  With Fancy dress outfits holding out very well, people enjoyed body surfing and looking around at fellow swimmers.  Too many brilliant solo performances to note, so will have to let you see from the pics.  Returning to shore I passed topless Christine who was wading in and clearly having a blast.  Up to get changed and take in hot drinks, as well as lighting the bar-b.  After getting changed it was time to get folks into the tug of war.  The huge rope nearly spanned the width of the beach and as we called for two teams everyone came down to get any inch of rope they could.  A huge heave ho and the "ladies" team to the west slowly etched out a lead.  Eventually winning the first round it turned to best of three.  Some additional members added to the team (you sneeks) ensured a second win and humiliating defeat for the "mens" team as they all fell to the floor and were dragged along.  I think some payback next year will definitely be on the cards. Then it was the turn of the wonderful people of the club to do what they do best.  Eat.  All sorts of fayre was on offer including some delicious roast potates from Pete.  Special mention to pete for mannig the bar-b and feeding the five thousand.  Thanks to everyone for contributing to a lovely feast, the day would not work without all your help.  thank you!!!
Proceedings drew to a close understandably as the weather turned for the worst.  A clear up operation ensued and we all drifted home on a high, after such a good day.  Pics to follow shortly....

swimmers: many
in: 11:30
out 11:50
conditions: fun and messy with a naughty rip tide


  1. It was indeed a lively and lovely morning. My family and friends rent a mob crowd clearly thought I was mental, although Jon did join us, along with some of the other tropical water specialists from Esporta/Virgin. Glad to see Johnny didn't through up despite another hangover. Although I looked like I was going to a hen-night, I was in fact dressed as a space rabbit (please google the excellent Australian singer-songwriter Kate Rowe). At one point, quite far out with Paul C, I thought that the tutu was slowing me down, but I was in fact caught in a little rip, so glad the swim finished safely. Well done to all who organised, swam and supported. Highlight of my year so far ;-) Not sure I will make it Wed as first day back to school, but perhaps friday.

  2. We had such a fun time down at the beach on NYD. I am so glad I went in,yes I had a wetsuit on,I'm not that crazy! Really enjoyed it as did my dad and 11 year old nephew who also braved the cold. Wonderful start to a new year. Pete the potatoes were gorgeous.
