Established 2010

Established 2010

Friday 6 January 2012

"I got proper whacked"

"I got proper whacked"...That was the line that came out of one of the swimmers mouths today as we took our chances against the big pounding waves breaking on the shore, to dash across a gap in those waves, and make it to safety just 10m out.  But who would say a line like that?  I wonder....
Perhaps a white-legged landscaper going in for the first time up to his knees (which itself heralded a cheer from his companions)? surely not, he was more worried about blinding people....; perhaps an experienced sea maiden, who has nipped between these sorts of waves on this beach for two decades?...surely not, the quality of the food at the pre-xmas drinkies gathering puts her in a different class not using that sort of language.....; Perhaps the Portugese man-o-war, swimming his first winter non-suited?   surely not, he is just too lovely and focussed on making sure others get in and out safely to worry about his own condition....; Perhaps the grey-headed big girls blouse (or 'illfitting ladies upper garment' as Domino later defined)  who usually winces at the cold, but has a tendency to break ranks and charge in first?...well this being the case again today I don't think it could be him;   Ah, I know, perhaps it was the scull-capped water weasal herself, suddenly allowing the water to get one back on her, even at last she (the sea) thought, I mean these two have become very firm friends as she is in water more than out of it these days... but something tells me no.....; I know, got it, I remember now.....its the recently head-teacher-in-waiting qualified, most educated, commander of the english word etc etc, and Doctor,  amongst us, thats right, she said it :-).  But sometimes it shows that perfect english and grammar like what I do, just doesn't cut the mustard.  So, it left me thinking,( heavens, a bit heavy for a Friday), this is the first of some quotes that I will be posting on the site for followers and visitors to enjoy...what this space.

After joining us in the water, Hildi, Sara, Alex and Ollie made a feeble attempt at swimming a width, but the now 7 degree water was getting to our cores.  Joan and Domino satisfied with waters edge activities looked to be 'enjoying' it as literally only SSF know how. .After some very accomplished exiting we were suddenly joined by Sharon on the beach going for a jog, sporting her new xmas running kit (where did she spring from), she jogged off after some damp hugs and left the rest of us shivering, blaspheming and swearing our way to fully dressed.  Time passed with old mince pies (again)  and some hot drinks. With good wkds wished to all, we departed, with next wednesday in mind - Sara's last dip for a while so a bumper turnout hoped for (where isPaul C?), a limerick on the cards, and a general farewell to be had.  see ya next time!

swimmers: Domino, Sara, Joan, Ollie, Hildi, Alex
swimmers missed: kamakaze Pete
in 7:35
out 7:45
conditions: beautiful sunrise, golden sky, knacker-bashing cold

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