Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 29 February 2012

A quiet swim slipping into a day that doesn't really exist

Sea mist and no Ollie or Sara. It seemed a little bit quiet.

Still getting warmer but not so sunny, we took our time getting in and aimed again for 'widths'. Joan as usual setting us off. Pete and Paul first to complete width one, with Hildi and Alex opting for breaststroke to begin with. Hildi soon switched to crawl and, feeling the pressure after Sunday's rash swim (surely only possible because Big G was on her side on the sabbath) decided to match the '4 widths' achievement and better it by adding tumble turns off the 'groins' as she calls them.

Hildi last one in and last out, enjoying post swim quiet contemplation in the fuzzy glow of the winter seas before a day of chaos at work. Pete had already headed off to warm up in the gym pool when she got out to share what must surely be the last of the Christmas treats with the others.

If it had really been the 1st of March as Hildi's and Paul's watches said, this would have completed Hildi's year round dipping without a wetsuit. But being a leap day, she will have to wait until Friday to get her award.

Swimmers: Paul C, Joan, Pete, Hildi, Alex
Time in: 7.12
Time out: 7:26
Conditions: Like a mysterious millpond

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