Established 2010

Established 2010

Sunday 30 December 2012

End of Year Reports

Dave’s new job and relocation in the latter part of the year was a great loss to the group, especially in terms of encouraging longer swims.  He and Sara completed the Brownsea Island swim and he was instrumental in organising the pre-Dart training ‘camp’ in Rottingdean, providing the feed station (AKA “Dave’s Dinghy”) to enable refuelling part way through the 6.5km endeavour.  Always supportive, a great team player, we just wish we had seen more of him and hope he keeps in touch.
End of year grade: Bronze (upgraded from Little Dipper due to completion of endurance swims)
Outstanding Achievement of the Year: Mamouth 10km swim of the Dart in 3 hours, surpassing all expectations (even his own)

A doctor’s note keeps Sara at a Bronze this year, but her late start to the swim ‘season’ (we don’t have one of these in Saltdean, if you hadn’t noticed) was more than made up for by her focussed training to return to fitness.  She reached competition level and maintained a steady stream of swimming events over the Summer, culminating with completion of the Dart 10km.  We look forward to her being given the OK to lose the wetsuit once again and to a 2014 filled with more PBs.
End of year grade: Bronze
Special Mention: Provider of home-made honey sandwiches

Pressures of work and impending new parenthood impacted on Ollie’s appearances at the beach during 2013, but in the early part of the year he added an early morning run to the swimming in preparation for Brighton marathon.  An impressive performance at his first marathon and some treasured memories of team SSF’s marathon training in the dark and on the pebbles.  He still hasn’t put up the hook he promised on the groyne wall for hanging up his work clothes.
End of year grade: Silver
Special award (from Polly) for the best shepherd’s pie in the world

Our adventurous Portuguese Man O’ War made many solo swims this year but we missed his presence in the SSF posse when he was on work placements.  Not as fast as in previous years maybe, but certainly still a strong swimmer and leader in the water in Ollie’s absence on some of the longer swims.  During the year provided a range of excellent post-swim cakes as well as informal physio advice to many of the group.  Hopefully his impending new arrival will not take him away from us too much in the forthcoming year.
End of year grade: Silver (made up with solo ‘homework’ swims)
Still holder of the 50 shades of grey Abs of steel award (apparently, according to those ladies that notice this sort of thing... ;-))

You would have thought that training for his first Ironman triathlon would have distracted Pete from his commitments to SSF but nothing can deter this man!  Coming back from illness over last Winter, he launched into a gruelling race programme which left him looking very much as if he had the weight of the world on his shoulders.  However, after the Forestman was ‘out of the way’, something did seem to lift and he seemed to start to really enjoy the water, something which will only improve his swimming (as will breathing bilaterally, but we won’t go on AGAIN about that).
End of year grade: Silver
Honourable Mention: Flying the SSF Flag when others faltered, oh, and the Fish Crate

No improvement possible for our Queen of the sea in terms of water-skills, but, spurred on no doubt by the marathon efforts of others in the group, she has steadily improved her running over 2012.  Maybe this will be the Olympic Legacy?  Never late for class, despite residing temporarily in Newhaven while her house was renovated, she has dispensed wisdom and laughs in equal measure.  And fish.  She also came up trumps when she came into possession of a beach hut key, thus allowing SSF to move into their Winter HQ.
End of year grade: Silver (only because there was no snow this Winter)
Special Award: Lifetime services to swimming and Saltdean Archetecture (Can’t think how the Queen missed her off the new years honours list)

This year saw a first from Stefan – a day when he stated he could not swim because he was, “not dressed for it”!  Our very own Herbalife representative, he spent much of 2012 globe-trotting but always returned to SSF to provide lifeguarding support when most required. 
End of year grade: Wader
King Canute Award for wading to Anita Jones’ Locker

A Summer visitor to the SSF shores, but seeing her run down the road to the beach in her wetsuit is always a welcome sight.  Latter part of the year blighted by injury and so she was able to retire from the cooling waters with some dignity.  Hopefully a return to form next year as she is one of our strongest and fastest swimmers and a good asset for those more challenging swims, keeping Ollie and Alex on their toes.
End of year grade: Little Dipper
Duvet award for consistent lateness

Emma ties with Cat for most improved swimmer, but she definitely wins hands down any contest in terms of learning to love the ocean.  2012 has seen Emma go from a tentative paddler to a confident all weather swimmer.  A great addition to the group (and she often brings cake!).
End of year grade: Silver
Joint winner of most improved swimmer award

2012 also a good year for Cat although she has had frequent absences from the sea she did do make up classes at Weirwood.  She has improved not only her swimming, but also her biking, and has added real triathlon medals to her trophy cabinet.
End of year grade: Little Dipper
Joint winner of most improved swimmer award

Paul’s contribution to local seaswimming now reaches beyond the Deans, all the way to the bright lights of Brighton (& Hove) as he was voted onto the committee of Brighton Swimming Club this year.  Work timings have led him to take more swims with Brighton this year than with us but we lay first claim to him.  A few bad experiences early in 2012 made Paul a nervous swimmer this year but he gets kudos for getting back in the water.  Hopefully 2013 will be a better year and we will see a return to form.
End of Year Grade: Silver
Special mention for committee work

Always favouring the more temperate climes, Teresa has been an infrequent visitor this year, but she fulfilled her contractual obligations to organise the second SSF Handicap race.  Always fast, always good company, we just wish she would harden up a bit so we could see her all year round!
End of year grade: Little Dipper

Another tropical water specialist, Sharon made a few swims with us in preparation for Ironman New York, and proved that working hard in the pool can translate to some very good performances in open water.  We look forward to hosting an appropriate SSF hen do for her next year.
End of year grade: Little Dipper

Made just two appearances this year, both in the warmest week of the year.  A true tropical specialist, she prefers the Red Sea to our green one. However, she did also attend regularly at Weirwood and a few away dips at Seaford.  She needs to shake off any worries about the cold and work with a bit more vigour, that way, she won't feel it so much.  She also needs to embrace the waves and not worry too much about being upended and dumped on the beach!
End of Year grade: Little Dipper

A rare sight this year due to inherent reluctance to enter cold water, and then a serious cycling accident, although some off-piste swims with Swim Trek in the Lake District had begun his conversion to being an open water lover.  I predict a 2013 full of swimming success as he uses the water to rehabilitate his broken leg and ligament damage.
End of year grade: Wader

A spectacular DNF at the Dart 10km marks this year out for Hildi.  Cold water acclimatisation and a year’s training not being enough to counter-act 3 weeks of stress, lack of sleep and sudden weight loss.  However, full marks to her for being brave enough to attempt the swim without wetsuit.  Despite the impact of Jon’s accident on family life, she has been able to keep up attendance sufficient to maintain her claim on a silver award.
End of year grade: Silver
Recipient of the Jet-Ski award for hyperthermia and recklessness

Other honourable mentions:
Paul W – fast performances and valued training partner  (and on-line race entry provider) of Sara
Helen – Gutsy winter performance in cold December seas
James – the Young Persons ‘Gung Ho’ award
Barry – Support and reassuring emergency service presence
Clive – the most elusive award
Domino – 50th birthday party providing a hilarious opportunity for SSFs to dress up!

Monday 24 December 2012

The Hooley and the Wavy - xmas eve swim

Joan opened up shop at 10 sharp and was joined by Hildi, Jon, Elsie & Pete. Hildi struggling with a large black box and Pete sporting portable Christmas tunes.  All had seasonal fare of some sort and Hildi promised a warming beverage for afters.  However - after what?  The tide was pretty high and white horses abounded.  After careful observation and measurement of wave height and estimation of undertow forces, it was decided that beach borne exfoliation was the order of the day.  Hildi and Joan were first "in", joined shortly by Pete who, feeling that the girls were being a bit timid, plunged in a bit further, only to be spat out again amid a hail of foam and pebbles.
All sat enjoying the sucking sensation as the water receded and the anticipation of the next dose of who knows what.  The water had certainly warmed a bit today - estimate about 8-9 degrees. Enough having been had, all scrambled back up the beach for a swift change, mercifully shake free and refreshments with all the usual and mulled wine and hot chocolate accompanied by poor covers of popular Christmas tunes courtesy of a free download.  Postprandial entertainment was provided by all in the form of  a rousing rendition of "Deck the Halls",  accompanied by Hildi on accordion (that's what was in the black box), Elsie doing her best to hold up the music.  The music faltered due to Elsie the moving music stand and Hildi's sausage fingers. Quality was made up for with bags of quantity and a fine time had by all.

Frolickers: Joan, Hildi, Pete
Watchers: Jon. Elsie
Singers: All

Happy Christmas to Platinum, Gold, Silver, Little Dippers and Water Waders alike.

Saturday 22 December 2012

End of the World Swim

A ladies only day today.  Hildi arrived for a rare early morning swim to find Joan opening up Winter HQ.  What luxury!  Both coat and winter yoda had hooks to hang from.  We swapped and signed cards and were sooned joined by Emma and Sarah.  More cards and Xmas offerings (Emma's still secret from Sarah who is being a good girl and waiting until Xmas day to open hers), honey sandwiches from Sarah and Xmas flapjacks from Hildi.
We could hear the surf so we knew a swim might not be possible and indeed, as we ventured towards the water we could see that the tide was a little far out for any widths and the strong waves were breaking just at the dip, making entry and exit difficult.  Sarah, wetsuited, ventured in brave and regardless, while the 'naked' ladies paddled and danced and frolicked in the surf, with just a few seagull impressions.
A beautiful sunrise and strange quality of light for the shortest day of the year, and a 17 cormorant fly past - perhaps in honour of our newest member, baby Jasper, arrived on Monday 17th?

Sunday 9 December 2012

2012 Swimmers' Bike Ride

A very strange and disparate crew assembled in Highdown Road for the 2012 edition of the ride.
Looking at the photo - not an SSF regular among them.

The only recent bather in the briney was in fact on the other side of the lens.  It's nice to see that SSF fame has spread so far that just about everyone wants to be involved.  Apart that is from those who are about to give birth, living the high life in Scotland or allegedly working in the 'States.  Apologies also from Alex, Emma and Annika. No one needed saving today so no Stefan either.  Joan should have been there for mince pies but the demons of the web had maliciously scrubbed Pete's address from the bottom of an email and so she had to make do with (yet more leftovers?).

The weather was fine and a wonderful brisk bike ride was in the offing.  That is until...

2km into the ride when Domino punctured and almost simultaneously Alison broke another chain.
This led to speculation about the only other person present when this odd combination of events occurred before - on the Cycletta - yes Cat (now "the Albatross") Page!

We decided that Cat should now ride firmly ahead of the group and take her hex with her.

The rest of the ride proceeded without further mishap, the lanes grungy but all agreed, better than we expected to find them.  At the end, Teresa declared that 20 miles had been covered (about 30km in real money) and so we all repaired to an open fire, ginger snaps and mince pies washed down with lashings of mulled wine.  A better event than last year in that three were no fallers.

Riders: Teresa, Barry, Cat. Domino, Alison, Pete

Time out: 10.15
Time in: 12.13
Temp: 8 degrees
Distance: 300 widths (don't worry Hildi, it doesn't count!)

Wednesday 5 December 2012

SPF zero anyone?

No amount of wishful thinking could dispel the hard fact that it was DARK this morning!

You know that you are in for a chilly one when there is frost on the seaweed covering the beach.

Joan was abed nursing a dodgy tummy - too many leftovers from Sunday perhaps, but the group was declared a quorum and comprised Ollie, Sara, Emma & Pete.

Sorry Hildi but there was enough water in the tub for a hard won width apiece except for Sara who wetsuited, went for deeper water in a search for croissants.

The sea was languid with lovely rolling waves having a frequency of about 0.1Hz.  Ordinarily, a sea for frolicking but today it was job done and back to the serious race against the shakes on the beach.
Sara's boots refused to budge and was helped by Ollie but when Ollie declared that he had done his trunks up with a double knot and asked for help, his pleas fell on deaf ears.

All were treated to a majestic sunrise which just got better and better, tea hastily poured into cups and downed before too much was spilt over finger saving gloves.  No lingering today, no water temperature measurement either but guesses were around 6-7 degrees and about zero in the air.
The only compensations being that the tide was high enough for easy entry, saving the freezing trudge to find water and there wasn't an icy breeze.  Perhaps we'll have those next week.

Award clarification - Gold award should hold if it snows within an hour of the swim.
Can Ollie ratify this?

Swimmers: Sara, Ollie, Emma, Pete

Sea: lazy rollers

Temp:  ccccccold

Sunday 2 December 2012

Getting into the Xmas spirit

Joan had invited the SSF swimmers to a Christmas drinks/buffet and housewarming.  We knew we would be in for a culinary treat - How would we be able to do the feast justice?  A 'pre-Joan' dip of course!  And it was a perfect day for it.  Ice-crisp and bright.  High tide, so those who are in the Winter widths competition were able to add to their total.

Swimmers, wetsuited: Paul W, Helen, James
Swimmers, non-wetsuited: Pete, Alex, Emma, Hildi and a late addition, Paul C.
Watchers (not an exhaustive list): Jon, Teresas (both), Anya, Polly, Ben and Elsie, Lara and friends and family (plus dog), Vicki, Alison... plus the people in the cafe
Emergency Services presence: Barry and Stefan
Widths: Pete 2.5, Hildi 4, Emma 2??

A lovely day and a lovely spread at Joan's - thank you Joan.  And what a beautiful house (the highlight of Polly's day!)