Established 2010

Established 2010

Saturday 22 December 2012

End of the World Swim

A ladies only day today.  Hildi arrived for a rare early morning swim to find Joan opening up Winter HQ.  What luxury!  Both coat and winter yoda had hooks to hang from.  We swapped and signed cards and were sooned joined by Emma and Sarah.  More cards and Xmas offerings (Emma's still secret from Sarah who is being a good girl and waiting until Xmas day to open hers), honey sandwiches from Sarah and Xmas flapjacks from Hildi.
We could hear the surf so we knew a swim might not be possible and indeed, as we ventured towards the water we could see that the tide was a little far out for any widths and the strong waves were breaking just at the dip, making entry and exit difficult.  Sarah, wetsuited, ventured in brave and regardless, while the 'naked' ladies paddled and danced and frolicked in the surf, with just a few seagull impressions.
A beautiful sunrise and strange quality of light for the shortest day of the year, and a 17 cormorant fly past - perhaps in honour of our newest member, baby Jasper, arrived on Monday 17th?

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