Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 5 December 2012

SPF zero anyone?

No amount of wishful thinking could dispel the hard fact that it was DARK this morning!

You know that you are in for a chilly one when there is frost on the seaweed covering the beach.

Joan was abed nursing a dodgy tummy - too many leftovers from Sunday perhaps, but the group was declared a quorum and comprised Ollie, Sara, Emma & Pete.

Sorry Hildi but there was enough water in the tub for a hard won width apiece except for Sara who wetsuited, went for deeper water in a search for croissants.

The sea was languid with lovely rolling waves having a frequency of about 0.1Hz.  Ordinarily, a sea for frolicking but today it was job done and back to the serious race against the shakes on the beach.
Sara's boots refused to budge and was helped by Ollie but when Ollie declared that he had done his trunks up with a double knot and asked for help, his pleas fell on deaf ears.

All were treated to a majestic sunrise which just got better and better, tea hastily poured into cups and downed before too much was spilt over finger saving gloves.  No lingering today, no water temperature measurement either but guesses were around 6-7 degrees and about zero in the air.
The only compensations being that the tide was high enough for easy entry, saving the freezing trudge to find water and there wasn't an icy breeze.  Perhaps we'll have those next week.

Award clarification - Gold award should hold if it snows within an hour of the swim.
Can Ollie ratify this?

Swimmers: Sara, Ollie, Emma, Pete

Sea: lazy rollers

Temp:  ccccccold

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