Established 2010

Established 2010

Monday 24 December 2012

The Hooley and the Wavy - xmas eve swim

Joan opened up shop at 10 sharp and was joined by Hildi, Jon, Elsie & Pete. Hildi struggling with a large black box and Pete sporting portable Christmas tunes.  All had seasonal fare of some sort and Hildi promised a warming beverage for afters.  However - after what?  The tide was pretty high and white horses abounded.  After careful observation and measurement of wave height and estimation of undertow forces, it was decided that beach borne exfoliation was the order of the day.  Hildi and Joan were first "in", joined shortly by Pete who, feeling that the girls were being a bit timid, plunged in a bit further, only to be spat out again amid a hail of foam and pebbles.
All sat enjoying the sucking sensation as the water receded and the anticipation of the next dose of who knows what.  The water had certainly warmed a bit today - estimate about 8-9 degrees. Enough having been had, all scrambled back up the beach for a swift change, mercifully shake free and refreshments with all the usual and mulled wine and hot chocolate accompanied by poor covers of popular Christmas tunes courtesy of a free download.  Postprandial entertainment was provided by all in the form of  a rousing rendition of "Deck the Halls",  accompanied by Hildi on accordion (that's what was in the black box), Elsie doing her best to hold up the music.  The music faltered due to Elsie the moving music stand and Hildi's sausage fingers. Quality was made up for with bags of quantity and a fine time had by all.

Frolickers: Joan, Hildi, Pete
Watchers: Jon. Elsie
Singers: All

Happy Christmas to Platinum, Gold, Silver, Little Dippers and Water Waders alike.

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