Established 2010

Established 2010

Sunday 9 December 2012

2012 Swimmers' Bike Ride

A very strange and disparate crew assembled in Highdown Road for the 2012 edition of the ride.
Looking at the photo - not an SSF regular among them.

The only recent bather in the briney was in fact on the other side of the lens.  It's nice to see that SSF fame has spread so far that just about everyone wants to be involved.  Apart that is from those who are about to give birth, living the high life in Scotland or allegedly working in the 'States.  Apologies also from Alex, Emma and Annika. No one needed saving today so no Stefan either.  Joan should have been there for mince pies but the demons of the web had maliciously scrubbed Pete's address from the bottom of an email and so she had to make do with (yet more leftovers?).

The weather was fine and a wonderful brisk bike ride was in the offing.  That is until...

2km into the ride when Domino punctured and almost simultaneously Alison broke another chain.
This led to speculation about the only other person present when this odd combination of events occurred before - on the Cycletta - yes Cat (now "the Albatross") Page!

We decided that Cat should now ride firmly ahead of the group and take her hex with her.

The rest of the ride proceeded without further mishap, the lanes grungy but all agreed, better than we expected to find them.  At the end, Teresa declared that 20 miles had been covered (about 30km in real money) and so we all repaired to an open fire, ginger snaps and mince pies washed down with lashings of mulled wine.  A better event than last year in that three were no fallers.

Riders: Teresa, Barry, Cat. Domino, Alison, Pete

Time out: 10.15
Time in: 12.13
Temp: 8 degrees
Distance: 300 widths (don't worry Hildi, it doesn't count!)

1 comment:

  1. Great blog!! Wish I'd been there but sorry, the party was still going this morning!!! The only domino here was pizza related!!
