Established 2010

Established 2010

Friday 4 January 2013

New Year's Day Swim 2013

Weather and family commitments conspired against a big swimming turnout today.  Tug 'o' War was out but Welly Wanging was very much in.

A large number of the public turned out to see a somewhat reduced field in silly clothes dive into the briney.   The sea was playful, nearly in with a mean rip near to the ledge.  Pete set up the BBQ and had to move it twice otherwise the sea would have reclaimed its fish crate.

In keeping with the theme of "Creatures from the Deep", Ollie was resplendent as Neptune complete with gaffer taped trident.  Emma took the  trouble to dress as a nymph (?), Sara, a nymphet I think and Pete as the Bagmonster  (possibly an environmental comment).  Joan came as a mackerel (well actually, she always comes as a mackerel in everyone's view - that's a good thing Joan!  Alex came "au naturel".

Other notable appearances were from wet suited Brian (who said it wasn't so bad) and Andy making another appearance.  There were several other dippers both suited and not.  Activities were supervised by Steffan from the shore (who outranked the attending police officers by virtue of the fact that he was apparently the only qualified life saver present!).   Thanks to Sharon, Anita, Teresa, Barry, Alison, Domino and Lesley (sure to have forgotten someone now) for on-beach support. The BBQ was appreciated and Sara's scones were as ever, glorious, the sun came out and had it not been rough, widths would have been in order.

Apologies from the Mitchells who were otherwise engaged on the M1.

All resolved that 2013 would see more swimming than last year simply because the spring and summer will be fantastic and the autumn will just go on and on with lovely rosy golden sunrises and balmy seas.

Here's to us and another year where  SSF provide entertainment for the early morning commuters of Saltdean.

Swimmers:  Joan, Sara, Brian, Andy, Ollie, Pete, Alex

Sea: playful and 6 degrees

Welly wanging was won by Ollie with an amazing 21.53metres


  1. So sorry to have missed it! Next year!

  2. What a lovely report! A pleasure to share such a fab start to 2013!

  3. I was there, I swam in just my trunks, hat and a smile. What a great start to the new year. Thanks for organising the swim and keeping an eye on me.

    Have you got any more photos?

    See you again next year.

  4. Stefan has many photos, with luck, he may upload!

