Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Saltdean Cougar Loveshack

Emma and Pete met up by the lido and both remarked on the mildness of the day, it was also still and so a leisurely swim was anticipated.

Only a few steps were needed however before the sea announced itself through the megaphone of the tunnel.  No wind but a playful surf with tide almost in, changed the anticipated activity upwards on the scale to that of "challenging".

Arriving at the hut, Sara was already disrobing in eagerness before Joan had fully opened up shop.

It was at this point that Sara spotted the chaise long at the back and wondered at the carpet on the wall, Emma commented that a chandelier would be appropriate since surely this was a cougar's lair.  Having said that, the photo shows something more akin to a down-town Delhi haberdashery.

Enough of the accommodation, it was still dark and in spite of Pete's worry about the return of the ghostly legs from Anita Jones' Locker, all rushed down the beach with Joan in charge of the torch.
The waves reared up and crashed and sucked, Exocet Sara spotted a gap and was instantly heading due south. The beam of Joan's torch following her until the blackness swallowed her up.  Pete, unwisely abandoning goggles took a bit longer to find a temporary lull then an unexpectedly large one took him ready or not.

Squeals and giggles from the shore indicated that the others were thinking twice.  With no sign of Sara, Pete decided that widths or at least one was a possibility but approaching the groyne was a tricky business.  Doing heads up breast stroke was difficult but necessary without goggles, it took longer than usual to reach the other side.  Meanwhile, the girls continued to run in and out of the surf - this must just constitute a swim(?) and Sara arrived back with croissants for all.

Pete was preparing for a frolic in the surf with Sara but was upended again and sucked back - time for discretion and, dumped further up the beach on the next wave, legged it away from clutching fingers.

All agreed that it was "uncommonly mild", the sea didn't feel at all cold and there were no post Yoda shakes either.  A really short, vigorous and pleasant outing.

Swimmers: Joan, Emma, Sara, Pete

Time in: 7.10
Time out: 7.20
Air temp: 9 degrees
Sea temp: 6.5 degrees

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