Established 2010

Established 2010

Saturday 19 January 2013

S'now or never!

This swim had been trailed about as much as Cameron's speech on Europe. But in the event proceeded with far less fuss and was more satisfying.  The wires had been buzzing for days regarding the possibility of an elusive "snow swim" and today, all those disparate variables came crashing together. It was Saturday, the snow was lying nicely, Emma & Hildi were available and Pete could get the car out of his road.  The excitement mounted as Pete, Hildi and Elsie the insatiable sledger waited cold and impatiently on the beach for Emma to appear.  
When she did, it was with a photographer in the shape of Richard, her partner.  The combined photographic skills of Richard and Elsie were going to ensure that the event was suitably recorded. Just after this, we were pleased to see the arrival of more spectators in the shape of Paul & Helen.

We first had to pose on real snow just to prove that it really happened and then the run down to the sea which was considerately on it's way in and so not such a long trek through the icy stuff to get to a swimmable depth. In fact was there just enough water available to record a width?   Pete did a quick calculation and concluded that gangrene would probably have set in before he even got to the flagpole today and so all decided on a leisurely splash, crawl, breast stroke and float instead.  It was whilst we were floating that Hildi pointed out something that we were unlikely to see again - people sledging on top of the cliffs as we were lying luxuriating in the sea.

With no Joan available to tip us the wink that we had done enough, Pete was the first to suggest that we had had our fun.  Emma, in a world of her own (or a world of pain?), seemed oblivious and had to be instructed to come ashore.  Changing was completed with due haste but without undue shakes. Tea was enjoyed with the satisfaction of a goal achieved.
Swimmers: Hildi, Emma, Pete
Photographers: Richard, Elsie, Paul assisted by Helen
Air temp: minus 1 degree
Sea: No Joan, No temp taken
Conditions: Just widthable


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