Established 2010

Established 2010

Friday 14 January 2011

Old, not-so-bold swimmers

Well, I have to admit, today I bowed to the wish of the ocean and did not go swimming. The usual Friday suspects arrived at 7:30am in drizzly rain, wind and overcast skies. From a distance the sea looked possible, if not very inviting, but once on the beach that assessment had to be hastily revised. The tide was in, the waves were crashing hard onto the shore, and the length of the field where they were breaking stretched out quite a way, meaning that even if we could get past the initial breakers, there were several more rows waiting to catch us. The three of us stood and contemplated the prospect of going in, Sara wisely advising me that if I had any doubts then I should not risk it. The real problem seemed to be a nasty ditch in the stones that had formed under the point where the waves were rearing up. Getting stuck in that was sure to leave any intrepid swimmer at the mercy of a wall of crashing water and shingle. In the end we just body surfed the waves and that was a lot of fun, just like being a kid again! Sara even ditched the wetsuit, joining Joan's hardcore chapter of the group, leaving me feeling quite inadequate! I did regret my decision for most of the day, but I guess if you do not feel 100% confident then it is best to stay out. There are old swimmers and there are bold swimmers. But there are no old. bold swimmers. Hopefully the correct decision.

Time In: 7:36, Time Out: 7:52
Swimmers: Joan, Sara, Paul C

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