Established 2010

Established 2010

Friday 28 January 2011

You don't know what you're missing

Although the skies were grey, this morning was a tad lighter and Sara and I huddled against the east groyne as we prepared for our swim. A biting NE wind gusted with air temperature at  0 deg. C and we felt it!   A good depth of water and gentle swell beckoned and Sara promptly headed out to sea calling for me to join her as she saw the first glimpse of the sunrise. The sun rose like a big red apple with a chunk bitten off as the clouds seemed determined to crowd it out of the sky. Water temp. 4 deg. C and we both enjoyed a pleasantly cold swim. As is now routine, Sara shed her wetsuit and in her cossie had a dip. The windchill on fingers and toes slowed the dressing process.  All in all a good morning's swim. Folks, you don't know what your'e missing!!!!!!

Swimmers: 2  Sara and Joan
In: 0740, Out: 0755

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