Established 2010

Established 2010

Sunday 30 January 2011

(K)need a little more time before the marathon... Perhaps we should just swim it?

Beautiful day. Cold but bright and first sign of sun for a long time. Hildi, Jon, Elsie and Pete the pike detour round the road closure (revealing how long it is since they last took a dip) and gather in the car park with running clothes (h and p) and bikes (j and e). Elsie well prepared for the rigours of riding a tagalong with obligatory banana in back pocket of cycling top. Approach the underpass and Pete confesses this is the first time he's done so without a feeling of dread.

Pete sets his garmin to pace us leading to terror for hildi as she's way off the pace after a 1 month lay off. Hildi sets hers just for an acurate record of distance (we SSF like our stats!). As we approach Rottingdean Pete comments how much easier it is on dry land, but Hildi feels it is much less exciting, and later, when her knee starts playing up, is tempted to swim back.

Lovely run with detour round the Marina wall as undercliff still closed at back of asda. Jon and Elsie refuel and wait for us but by this time hildi's knee is playing up. Pete shifted gear from whip-cracking to distracting which helped but had to have lengthy stop with stretching and massage to carry on. (who else has a husband who tells you when you're in pain just to run through it?!). Chat with another triathlete on the way back and a couple more massage stops but we made it back in 1:08. Total distance 10km.

Car park change and then to the Saltdean Tavern for beer, food and social commentary. Plans laid for birthday swims tomorrow. Even talk of Sara's brownies probably won't be enough for Hildi though....

Roll on spring!

(contributed by Hildi)

Ruth, Sara and partner

James and Paul

Sara preparing to draft another limerick

Discussing tactics

Pete tucking into carbohydrates after a lengthy run

Eating and Drinking

Ollie holding court

Ruth and Sara

Sara holding court

Ollie and Hildi discussing marathon swims to come

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