Established 2010

Established 2010

Friday 10 June 2011

Catching the train down the backstrait

The tide high was high and on the turn, overcast skies and a lumpy sea. Not the best conditions we have seen, but not the worst either. Today saw the return of the mighty Anita and her friend Dave, who was joining us for his first swim with SSF.

So, straight into the sea without further ado, and out to the first left-hand buoy which, given the position of the tide, was a fair distance to swim. After congregating at the first buoy we decided to go for a lap, swimming clockwise and meeting and each corner to make certain the group was safe. With the tide going out, but the wind not particularly strong, the prevailing current was running westwards - which was very noticeable when we stopped at each corner. This did mean that the trip donw the back strait was easy, which Anita later compared to "catching the train". After one circuit we all opted to swim another, finishing at the same buoy we started from. And from here we headed back to the beach to compare notes and make preparations for the fortcoming moonlight swim on Wednesday night.

Time In: 7:13
Time Out: 7:58
Swimmers: Anita, Dave, Sara, Joan and Paul
Air Temp: 15C
Sea Temp: 15C

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