Established 2010

Established 2010

Thursday 16 June 2011

The morning after the night before

A select group of SSF members, having convened a special moonlight swim the night before, congregated on the beach for their early morning sea swim. The tide was coming in which made for a good current running east, but other than that conditions were very favourable. The swim consisted of circuit training, which is the preferred choice at the moment whilst we are waiting for conditions for an attempt on Rottingdean.

We were joined by a chap called Mike who, I am reliably informed, will be Sara's main race rival at her next event. So the morning provided them both with an opportunity to gauge each other's pace, stengths and weaknesses etc.

The first circuit was a leisurely affair, with the faster people patiently waiting at each buoy for the more sedate members to catch up. On the second circuit there was no such concession, and the racing began in earnest. Hildi had brought her iron-man suit (suspiciously similar to the one worn by Robert Downey Jr in the film of the same name) and set a ferocious pace. I was trying to keep track of timings, my laps clocking in at just over 12mins, so I suspect the others were near the club records though probably still a little outside.

All safely back onto the beach, changed and home - or to school or work.

NEWS JUST IN: Angry looking Mako sharks have been sighted off the coast of Cornwall and are heading our way. They should arrive in Saltdean by Friday although fortunately I am advised that neoprene gives them indigestion (and gets in their teeth) so they will be unlikely to us :-) Besides, there is a lot of tastier flesh to be found in Brighton...!

Time In: 7:09
Time Out: 7:39
Swimmers: Joan, Sara, Hildi, Mike, Pete, Paul
Sea Temp: 15.5C
Air Temp: 17C

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