Established 2010

Established 2010

Friday 24 June 2011

The Chicken Whisperer

Decent enough morning, although sea still slow to warm this year. We swam an anti-clockwise circuit of the buoys, although Ollie swam two. The tide was coming in, and together with a westerly wind made for quite a choppy surface. With the sun coming up, the trek down the back-strait was quite challenging. Ollie and Mike swam together, I followed Sara, hoping that she knew the way to the corner buoy. I recall it just suddenly reared up in front of me like a big black egg!

Back on the beach, Joan treated us to apricot croissants. I could quite get used to this. Wonderful stuff. Meanwhile, Ollie gave us a demonstration as to how he would be able to hypnotise Sara's unruly chickens should their behaviour not improve. Intriguing. This will have to be tried later in the year.

I believe a Forestman event was upcoming for the weekend for Sara and Hildi, so best of luck with that.

Time In: 7:11
Time Out: 7:37
Swimmers: Joan, Sara, Ollie, Mike, Paul
Air Temp: 17C
Sea Temp: 15.5C

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