Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 29 June 2011

First dash to Rotters

Lovely to make the first journey back to Rottingdean.  Sara Paul and Ollie went there and back with Sara roughly timing a 28 mins there and 23 back with a slight current giving us a push.  We all had to dash off this morning and started a bit late, so Joan had already left the beach after her dip when we rounded the final groyne and beached in front of the cafe.  Well most of us.  Paul beached at the wrong beach, clearly the excitment of getting to Rottingdean left him slightly delirious :-)

On the way there I rounded the buoy first which had bobbed in and out of view over the waves and headed diagonally to meet sara who was about 50m behind.  We chatted for a moment and both carried on our way.  I was looking out for Paul but hadn't spotted him until one point when he must have been only 3m away as we passed by.  I shouted out but he was ploughing on and the ear plugs and concentration must have silenced my calls.  Feeling a little tired by the end showing that we are out of practice at this distance in the sea, approx 2.5 km, but compared to last year, we are swimming much further now than this time last year.  Bravo!

no cakes, no croissants, just a hurried change and off to work.  w eall felt like we had done a workout which was another perfect start to the day.

rottingdean will now no doubt be a regular destination in the coming weeks.

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