Established 2010

Established 2010

Tuesday 1 February 2011

A birthday swim puts the cold into Winter

I had made a New Year's resolution to be, if not early, then on-time. But alas, I continue to arrive late and today was no exception. There was a good birthday turn-out for both myself and Paul W. Having struggled to overcome a rather debilitating bout of man-flu these past 10 days (couldn't even use the remote control at one point), I had convinced myself that I would not be joining the ranks of the hardcore elite today despite it becoming customary to do so. However, air temp was 1C, sea temp 2.5C, no wind, overcast but otherwise perfect conditions for shedding the wetsuit.

On the beach the crowd consisted of: Paul W, James, Helen, Ollie, Sara and Joan in various states of preparedness. My birthday colleague Paul W was actually not immediately present, but was instead running up and down the beach in his wetsuit attempting to get warm for the ordeal ahead. I had not the time for any such luxury so, after a couple of false starts headed in to join the others. Sara and Joan, as always, were very impressive. Sara heading straight out to sea, Joan swimming towards the east groyne. And young James went in, which was highly commendable given the sea temperature. Paul W and Ollie amused themselves nearer the shore. I gave chase to Sara who was, by this time turning  and heading back in. "On your last birthday did you expect to be doing this today?" asked Sara helpfully. "No", I replied between coughing fits, "not any day. Sure is nice though". After around 10 minutes of this, I decided to err on the side of safety and headed back in, with Sara following.

Now I do remember lemon drizzle cake, chocolate brownies, tea, limericks and going back into the sea without a wetsuit on. But I just cannot remember the order in which it all happened. However, I do recall Sara leading the charge and encouraging me to be honourable and do likewise - sans wetsuit. There was an expectant look in the eyes of those present, so despite my misgivings I opted to do my duty, praying that I wouldn't require a pickle jar to store any bits of me that subsequently fell off.  There then followed the spectacle of myself cavorting and contorting on the stones as I struggled vainly to remove my neoprene body armour. And by the time I had, Sara was back out. Hmmm, OK, so I have to do this thing solo. Well, I did go in and have the photographs to prove it. Thank you to young James for doing the honours, he is a fine photographer in the making and took some great images - far better than mine.

All in all, a great birthday swim. Thank you everyone for the cards, cake and kindness and making it a great day. Really appreciated. Ah yes, we must not forget the birthday limericks from Sara the Water Weasel. Firstly Paul W:

There was a triathlete named Paul,
Well hung and terribly tall,
At least that's what he'd say,
We will find out one day,
When he's swimming with no trunks at all !

Oh I say vicar ! ... next up is Paul C:

There once was a swimmer named Paul,
He'd improved in no time at all,
But we'd learnt to scoff,
At his threats to strip off,
Freezing sea round his balls did not call !

Cheeky ! ... Finally, the evidence - some photographs of our big day !

Ollie rehearsing for his upcoming X-Factor audition

Ollie wondering if the sea feels less cold if you clench your buttocks hard

Look at the size of that wave, maybe I shouldn't risk it?

Does it still count if I don't put my shoulders under?

Certain bits of me have just disappeared, and I am not talking about the sharks.

Try and look natural Paul, there are ladies present

Just take the photo kid - I can't hold my stomach in much longer!

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