Established 2010

Established 2010

Friday 1 July 2011

Water temperature sheer joy!

A beautiful morning, blue skies and calm seas. An incoming tide and a little 'nip' in the air saw Hildi Sara Dave and Joan meet on the beach. Sara having done the forestman with Hildi recently and the Rottingdean on Wednesday, did not feel up to another Rottingdean return today and neither did Hildi. All four made their way out to the first buoy to the east and Hildi Dave and Sara swam clockwise around the four buoys. Sara decided on a gentle swim thereafter while Dave and Hildi completed another circuit of the buoys. We all enjoyed the morning and the swim. It was a super fresh start to the day as we promised to meet again on Wednesday with Sara tempting us with home made goodies. Anita, Sara's home made pies and cakes are much more enticing tha a duvet! See you on Wednesday!

In 0710
Out 0745
Sara Hildi Joan wet suit less and Dave sleeveless wetsuit
Water temp sheer joy!

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