Established 2010

Established 2010

Saturday 30 July 2011

Return to Rottingdean - and back - and around the buoys - again - again ...

Anita took her turn to be guest-group leader today which saw a return of one or two occasional faces together with many associate recruits from the Esporta club.

Conditions truly amazing. Crystal clear water, mackeral, sun glinting through the water - just like the Maldives.

All (except me), donned wetsuits and headed off to Rottingdean at break-neck pace (again, except me). We all met up at the nearest buoy in Rottingdean where Anita held court for a few minutes before hightailing it back to Saltdean with her posse following in her wake.

Rumour has it, new records were swam today but it was all unofficial, wetsuited and not possible to tell if this were actually the case as no one appeared to be running a stopwatch. So, Ollie's existing record is safe ... for now.

Once I had returned about 10 minutes after the main group, I was greeted by Anita and Sara having an indepth conversation about something at the nearest Rottingdean buoy. I took the opportunity to finish off my swim by heading off to do a devil's circuit of the buoys. Anita and Sara gave chase, and it wasn't long before they had caught and overtaken me.

I was starting to flag at this point, but was persuaded to do another lap. So off we went, although by this time I was a long way off the pace, whilst the other two still looked fresh.

Upon completion I decided it was time for me to head in, so I did, leaving the girls to continue talking before heading off for a third lap.

On my way back in I was greeted by one of our associate ladies who we sometimes see from time to time. After a brief conversation about ecoli and other bacteria I had probably ingested during my swim I staggered onto the beach to enjoy chocolate biscuits generously provided by one of the Esporta chaps who had stayed behind.

A good swim from everyone.

Time In: 7:30
Time Out: 9:15
Conditions: Amazing. Sunny, flat, clear seas.
Personnel: Anita, Sara, Paul, Jon M, Esporta

Friday 29 July 2011

Sea Swim Fitness Handicap Chase 2011

Welcome to the report of the 2011 sea Swim Fitness Handicap chase marking the 100th Swim for the club.  It is taken from my account of the race (Ollie).   This eagerly awaited event had finally clicked round on the calendar and after a late entry from Anneka, we had a starting line up featuring 10 of the best swimmers in East Sussex.  (Ok, a bit of poetic license.)
Anneka, Paul, Sara, Jon, Ruth, Hildi, Dave, Polly, Ollie and Teresa.
Our official time keeper Domino and his able assistant Elsie were poised and ready after a short introduction to a touch screen phone and a stop watch app J.
They are under starters orders…..and they are off!  At 7:15, Anneka was first to go, tip toeing slightly gingerly down the beach to the waters edge.  Recognising that not all of us run across stones for a living, could the race be won or lost on the speed across the beach rather that the swimming?  We would have to wait and see.
Race route went around the buoys clockwise in a horseshoe shape, coming straight in after the fourth buoy.  Wetsuited swimmers would have to take the wetsuit off first before crossing the line essentially neutralising the advantage, or so we thought.  Final results might indicate a slim advantage in a suit.
The swimmers left in the order above and as I returned from lighting the bar-b’s I came back to the starting grid which was in confusion following Ruth washing her goggles, …it meant she had missed her starting time and had to go off late, potentially a calamity with the stakes so high.
I ran down the beach on my starting whistle knowing that only Teresa with her mermaid like qualities was only about 45 seconds behind me.  Would I be able to hold her off?  Not likely, she went passed me between the second and third buoy.  I was fourth man in so I had to catch one to get in the medal ceremony, who was it going to be?  I caught a glimpse of Dave ahead and went after him, but without a warm up my lungs were screaming for more air and my arms felt very heavy unable to catch the water.  I got passed him and he tucked in to my slipstream.  Was I going to be able to shake him off?  Ruth, Polly and Hildi were battling it out along the back straight but Hildi kept an advantage as she went passed Anneka.  In the far distance I saw splashing so that must have been Paul and Jon, as I rounded the third buoy I knew they were too far to catch unless they completely tightened up but these seasoned swimmers surely wouldn’t choke like that.  The last buoy appeared suddenly, and according to Ruth, who mistook it for a yellow capped swimmer, was the only person she was able to beat so easily J
I saw people on the beach ahead knowing the race had been won but I gave it my all with honour at stake.  I ran up the beach like a tired set of bag-pipes, lolloping over the line, completely spent.  I soon found out Jon had crossed the line first, followed by Paul., then Teresa and then Sara. Behind me closely was Hildi, Dave, Ruth, Anneka and Polly.  Full times below:
Official Results of the Sea Swim Fitness Handicap Chase 2011
1st:                Jon         14:10
2nd          Paul         14:29
3rd           Teresa     14:52
4th           Sara         15:15
5th           Ollie        16:10
6th           Hildi        16:29
7th           Dave       17:16
8th           Ruth        18:02
9th           Anneka   19:02
10th         Polly       20:19

Actual Swim times (Useful for next years handicap race!)
Teresa: 09:45
Jon:        11:44
Ollie       11:49
Hildi       13:14
Paul       13:29
Dave      13:41
Sara       13:44
Ruth      14:22
Polly      16:43
Anneka  19:02
Everyone made it round safe and sound thanks too for our support kayaks who looked like they were loving the kayaking! Thanks Barry and Stefan. Other dippers were Sharon and Clive, Joan and Tracy.  Penny and Elsie managed to guard the food on the beach and resisted the temptation of opening the chocolate brownie tin!
Once all back and dry we handed out a stunning trophy for 1st male and Female – well done to Jon and Teresa, and certificates for the top three placed for Men and Women.  The bravest award went to the last runner up in the form of a delicious courgette, what beauties! – Well done to Dave and perhaps the best applause for Polly who completed the course at a tender age of 9.  She is DEFINITELY one for the future, what a star.
Fresh mackerel on the bar-b, sausage and bacon sarnies, and loads of tea flowing it was the perfect start to the day as we all relaxed in the sunshine before packing up.
It was so nice to see such a great turn out, thank you everyone for making the 100th swim so memorable.
not bad loot for the bravest swimmers

The runners and riders

they are underway, Domino gives superb instruction!

The winners strut their stuff in the finishing chute

The knackered set of bag-pipes hauls himself over the line

hildi in across the line

Super Polly charges for the line

Official results are checked and verified

soaking up the weather and bar-b

Tuck in to that local, line caught fish!  Like a male lion :), the winner of the race gets first pickings

Presentation ceremony for the race winner

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Star Shapes

A rather relaxed affair today spent looking at the sea bed, floating in star shapes and going the devils way round the buoys in the lovely 14 deg water.

Most of us just swam around the buoys once, tapering for the big race on Friday where promises to be a shocase event for SSF.

Swimmers: Ollie, Paul, Joan, Steffan, Hildi, Sara, Anita (observing and looking glam, promising to take part on Friday - maybe).

Saturday 23 July 2011

Saturday Swim With Esporta Brighton Multisports

The sea was so lovely on Friday, and Tony who usually opens up for the Esporta pool session (wimps!) at 7am on Saturday was still away watching Le Tour, so Hildi suggested a joint swim on Saturday.

2 main groups of Esporta swimmers in (taking a bit longer than the Saltdean swimmers usually do to get into the briny), plus Paul C and Anneka. Hildi was restricted to widths of the groins as she was babysitting Elsie, but got chatting to an aquaintance of Joan's (Judy) on the beach and another older bather. When Jon and Teresa got out, Hildi went in to meet some of the others and was greeted by a 'You're naked!' (non-wetsuited).

Various numbers of laps round the buoys were swum. Esporta cries of 'Isn't this lovely?!' and 'Is it always this clear?' abounded. Johnny Mac even said 'Thank you'.

Then it was off for breakfast and cycling (Sharon, T, Clive and Jon), running (John, Simon), collecting Polly (H and E) and other Saturday things.

Perhaps we'll meet again for another such swim?

Swimmers: (Esporta) Clive, Sharon, Teresa, Johnny Mac, Richard (International), Simon Roberts, Nick (SSF) Anneka, Paul C. (Dual registration) Hildi, Jon, Dave
Non Swimmers: Elsie
'Naked' swimmers: Paul C, Hildi (Anneka in shortie)
In (first wave): 7:35
Out: 8:05-8:30

Friday 22 July 2011

More records tumble in the calm waters

A bumper group appeared on the beach today, so many I was worried I hadn't brought enough flapjacks!
Those attending were given the choice of a chain-gang style of exercise where the last swimmer in a 3 or 4 sprints to the front while the others recover before they get to the back again and sprint to the front in turn.  It helps with Drafting, swimming in close proximity and often gives you some time to practice a drill during your recovery.  Altogether much can be gained and its also quite good fun and a little different.  We set off in a clockwise circuit of the buoys to try it out.  It all went a bit chaotic at first trying to sort out pacing but by the back straight we were like a team time trial all slotting in nicely, bar the odd swimming over your team, don't worry we're all friends ;-).

After regrouping following one lap we decided the clear water, lack of current and wind meant we had to do a timed circuit for the record books.  With so many of us there on one day it would have been a wasted opportunity, so those up for it found their place on the start lione all wanting to get on the feet of teresa for the first 10m.  3-2-1 GO!!!  Off we went clockwise.  We had already noted that the standing club record was Hildi on last years course covering the distance in 09:45 on 1st september 2010.  that day there was a slight current and a breeze so how would this still conditions favour the brave?
 I could only view the time trial from where I was, I saw Teresa head off fast and tried to give a burst at the start to get a clean turn on the buoy.  Rounding the first buoy I was able glance back and saw Hildi, sharon and Paul W all about 5 m behind. Rounding the second buoy I had settled into a stroke to last the estimated 500m course.Teresa had rounded the third buoy about 50m ahead of me and when I reached it and turned I could see Sharon had stretched out a bit of a gap from Hildi and Paul.  the last home straight felt quite tough, obviously trying to sprint the last 50m seemed harder trying to work against a receding tide.  I came in huffing and puffing and watch the other runners and riders come in.  A great effrot from all those that went for it.

Various other swims went on as I tagged Tracy and took over childcare while she slipped in for a dip, others set off on warm down laps, anti-clockwise swims and some rather more dignified bathing!

People seemed to enjoy the home made flapjack but I think it was the basking in the sun and looking at the bright blue water that gave everyone a high before heading off to start the day.

time trial results:  Clockwise lap 22-Jul-11.  Conditions still, clear water approxx 15-16deg.

We will try to re-do this in aug/sept in similar conditions (if that arises) to see where we have improved.
Teresa: 06:29 NEW CLUB RECORD
Ollie     07:55
Sharon  08:20
Hildi :    09:00
Paul W: 09:27
Dave:    09:40
Paul C:  10:27
judging the times we estimated the course to be approx 500m.

In: 07:10
Out: 08:00

Swimmers: 13 (new record): James, Paul W, Helen, Joan, Steffan, Paul C, Ollie, Hild, Anita, Sharon, Teresa, Tracy, Dave
non Swimmers: Penny - well she is only two!!

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Time Trial for July

Great swim this morning.  We set off on time at 7:06 headng to the first buoy, as a warm up to the Rottingdean and Back swim.  Conditions were perfect, a tiny west to east current despite the tide going out and so a perfect chance to call it a time trial and try to beat two club records currently standing as shown on the website.

Paul Cockburn 00:22:39 (3sep2010)
CONDITIONS: Good. Wind-speed 10mph NE. Current: moderate left to right (east). ______________________________________________________________

Paul Winter 00:42:58 (8Sep2010)
CONDITIONS: Overcast. Low-tide. Wind-speed 8mph WNW. Current: moderate right to left (west). ______________________________________________________________

In the water, Sara, Hildi, Sharon, Ollie, Pete, Dave, Paul Joan and Steffan.  Everyone headed to rottingdean minus Joan and Steffan.  todays Conditions, Overcast. Mid-tide heading out. No wind. Current: very weak right to left (west).
We set off and Sara, Hildi, sharon and myself (Ollie) formed a lead group all pushing to stay up with Hildi who lead all the way dragging us there in that super fast suit with the union jack on.  There was no time for me to look around  and see where the others were, or take in the various bits of coastline scenery...this was a time trial and so focus on job in hand Armfield.  We took a very direct route to the buoy and stopped the watch shortly after hildi hit it.  At 22:37 - NEW CLUB RECORD FOR HILDI.  this was a delayed stop though (we hovered for a bit before stopping Hildi's watch), no actual time of hitting the buoy so this record stands - beat the old club record by 2 seconds.
next in were Paul C, then Dave then Pete.  split times for you guys? - let me know.
so the return leg, and after getting a ittle bit of a tow there, I managed to stretch out my stroke and take a small lead in the race back to the Saltdean buoy.  the houses on the cliff tops took ages to come and go but eventually we passed the last of them and had the cafe in sight.  It was Ollie, then Sharon, then Hildi then Sara all within a close distance, sprinting the last bit to reach that buoy that appeared before us.  And thats how it stayed as we reached the buoy and stopped watches.  As people came in they clocked their times with first four all coming inside the existing club record - GOOD SWIM!
Ollie - 41:38 NEW CLUB RECORD
Sharon - 41:44
Hildi - 42:04
Sara - 42:06
Paul C - 47:26
Dave - 50:00
Pete -  53:11
Back on the beach, Steffan had already left but the rest enjoyed amazing pastries and homemade power bars before dressing and making off to work.
Fridays swim is from 7 again so its a 6:45 meet on the beach.

Friday 15 July 2011

Friday 15th July - Easy laps of Buoys

and so the normal format ensued this morning with a blitz to Rottingdean on the Wednesday and laps of the buoys on the Friday.  Most people race now at weekends so its a chance to take an easy swim and keep things ticking over.  In the water today doing laps of the three outer buoys were Dave, Hildi, Anita, Ollie, and Sara, with Joan and Steffan opting out of laps.  Joined also by our man on the ground Domino.

By the time we got out to the furtherst buoy we realised there was quite a current from the west, so the first lap was like a dream, we roared off.  Ollie in his wetsuit today with Anita and Dave with Hildi and Sara opting for just he cossie.

It was a hard effort all the way back from the most easterly buoy to the most westerly and so on the second lap we went the other way around and used the middle to break up the journey.  it was a bit like swimming the shaped of a bow (as in Robin Hood) as the three buoys where out of line.

After two laps we had really all ground to a halt and headed in to relax and prepare for the weekends swims, only to later find out they would both (pier to pier and Brighton Aquathlon) be cancelled due to adverse weather.

In: 7:13
Out 8:00

Wednesday 13 July 2011

All Aboard the Train to Rottingdean

A lovely morning spent at the beach today.  For me (Ollie) it started with a high tempo 2.5k run to rottingdean and back to check out the course for the days swim and prepare for Sunday's Aquathlon on Hove beach.  I made it back to the carpark to be greeted by Pete and Hildi pulling in and working out what to wear for the swim which I announced was rottingdean and back.
We headed to the beach and with Hildi opting for the non wetsuit option in prep for the pier to pier on Saturday we guestimated times and conditions.  On the beach we were joined by Theresa - welcome! - for the first time who quickly got ready.  Joan arrived with Sara and Domino and after all ready, we headed to the shore.  I half had in mind a mass beach start that didn't really catch on but nevermind.  It was interrupted somewhat by Paul's late arrival and Steffan's fully clothed arrival so we just agreed to meet about 100m out.
Steffan joined us clothed in the sea opting to get some life saving fitness in, and Pauls late arrival meant he would decide to do a couple of laps of Saltdean buoys as he had missed the express train to Rottingdean.  Joan and Steffan also stayed at Saltdean to enjoy the 17 deg water.   On board the train to rotters was Theresa who really has a very good stroke.  Little or no drag, and a big catch, I want to see it close up if I can stay level for a few more strokes next time! - perhaps I need to ditch the baggy board shorts for something a little more figure hugging.
Other passengers on the train were me, hildi, Pete and Sara in that order as we rolled on to rotters.  through some rather stubborn current towards the last 300m we finally made the buoy at rottingdean.  theresa had stopped her watch on 20 mins, me about 5 mins behind.  We waited at the buoy for Hildi but turned to see we had drifted 20m from the buoy which confirmed the hard effort and the chance to nick a good time on the return leg.  After picking our sighting spots (the large crane at Telscombe water works) we watched as Pete and Sara had taken a wide loop to rottingdeean, perhaps wanting to get in some extra distance (rather than going of course I'm sure).  Sara fessed up to chasing a shoal of whitebait as she got back to her water weasel roots.  so on we went, for me I put in a relaxed 1st half and then went for it in the last 500m trying to hold on to the stroke as fatigue set in.  Trying to keep the core rolling, head tucked in, arms pushing all the way back to the thighs with the triceps starting to really complain as I rounded the final groyne and hit the beach.  theresa was already getting dressed up the beach and hildi about 150m behind me.  We ate delicious brownies on the beach as Pete and then Sara came in and all agreed it was a jolly good swim.  theresa confirmed she was back in 16 mins so that would be a 36 min 2.5km which is great to see.
Further chat about upcomming events mainly Pete's Alp d'huez on Wed 27th july.  It sounds like a tough one, we are all rooting for him.
ooh...and I forgot mention, very clear waters - we could see the sea bed all the way there and back even at 200m out, it was perfect!
so a little bit of everything today, until friday

In 7:10
Out 8:00
swimmers: Joan, Steffan, Paul C, Sara, Pete, hildi, Ollie, Theresa
non swimmers: domino

Friday 8 July 2011

Don't mess with the skipper's daughter

Hildi arrived for a pre-swim run along the front to test her tri-suit and get her legs in gear for Newhaven Tri on Sunday to find Dave, Sara AND DOMINO - bag-carrier and supporter extraordinaire - plus CAKE already present! Going through the wind tunnel that some know as the subway, it was clear that the sea would be in a mood to take no prisoners and that anyone braving it would deserve said cake.

Soon joined by Joan and Paul who advised Ollie was doing something involving child-care. After zipping Dave into his wetsuit, we headed over the seaweed dumped on the westerly beach by the sea, and Paul plunged in. He avoided the waves with his trade-mark method of ducking beneath the wall of white-water (which we were to learn later characterises a wave known as 'the skipper's daughter') and Hildi decided to wait for two even larger waves to finish before she tried to follow him. Unfortunately these waves were followed by even bigger ones and by the time everyone was at the water's edge, it looked like only an idiot would go in. So we watched Paul enjoying himself. ;-)

Jealously we played in the waves until Paul was ready to get out. Sara sustained some grazing from being dashed against the pebbles and Dave's goggles were dislodged. Hildi and Joan just frolicking in the surf. Ollie turned up with Penny wrapped in a blanket to enjoy the spectacle and to agree that these were far from ideal swimming conditions - so we felt vindicated.

We stood by ready to grab Paul when he was dashed against the ground but he got out with relative ease and some poise - well done, Paul.

Back up the beach for a little jog for Hildi and some of Sara's home-made berry cake. The breakfast of kings - delicious despite Sara's attempts to sell it short. Protecting our eyes from the glare on Domino's white legs we tried to engage Penny in conversation (she was probably thinking what nutters were were but enjoying the cake).

In - Paul
Out - Ollie and Penny
Inbetweeners - Hildi, Sara, Joan and Dave

Temperature - wetsuits definately optional

Bit lumpy for some

Wed 6 July

Hildi, Ollie, Paul, Joan wetsuitless. Sara looking after herself in neoprene, accompanied by Pete. Water very warm. Someone even said, 'Like a bath'. A little bit lumpier than had been the previous few days so lengths between the inner buoys instead of anything further afield (it doesn't take much for us to have to play 'hunt the third buoy'), and Hildi's friend Teresa decided not to join us for her maiden SSF swim. Ollie very much back in the driving seat re the sessions and we practised turning (both ways) round buoys and sprinting.

Lovely lovely swim.

In and out - no idea
Water Temp - 'Like a bath'

Friday 1 July 2011

Water temperature sheer joy!

A beautiful morning, blue skies and calm seas. An incoming tide and a little 'nip' in the air saw Hildi Sara Dave and Joan meet on the beach. Sara having done the forestman with Hildi recently and the Rottingdean on Wednesday, did not feel up to another Rottingdean return today and neither did Hildi. All four made their way out to the first buoy to the east and Hildi Dave and Sara swam clockwise around the four buoys. Sara decided on a gentle swim thereafter while Dave and Hildi completed another circuit of the buoys. We all enjoyed the morning and the swim. It was a super fresh start to the day as we promised to meet again on Wednesday with Sara tempting us with home made goodies. Anita, Sara's home made pies and cakes are much more enticing tha a duvet! See you on Wednesday!

In 0710
Out 0745
Sara Hildi Joan wet suit less and Dave sleeveless wetsuit
Water temp sheer joy!