Established 2010

Established 2010

Friday 29 July 2011

Sea Swim Fitness Handicap Chase 2011

Welcome to the report of the 2011 sea Swim Fitness Handicap chase marking the 100th Swim for the club.  It is taken from my account of the race (Ollie).   This eagerly awaited event had finally clicked round on the calendar and after a late entry from Anneka, we had a starting line up featuring 10 of the best swimmers in East Sussex.  (Ok, a bit of poetic license.)
Anneka, Paul, Sara, Jon, Ruth, Hildi, Dave, Polly, Ollie and Teresa.
Our official time keeper Domino and his able assistant Elsie were poised and ready after a short introduction to a touch screen phone and a stop watch app J.
They are under starters orders…..and they are off!  At 7:15, Anneka was first to go, tip toeing slightly gingerly down the beach to the waters edge.  Recognising that not all of us run across stones for a living, could the race be won or lost on the speed across the beach rather that the swimming?  We would have to wait and see.
Race route went around the buoys clockwise in a horseshoe shape, coming straight in after the fourth buoy.  Wetsuited swimmers would have to take the wetsuit off first before crossing the line essentially neutralising the advantage, or so we thought.  Final results might indicate a slim advantage in a suit.
The swimmers left in the order above and as I returned from lighting the bar-b’s I came back to the starting grid which was in confusion following Ruth washing her goggles, …it meant she had missed her starting time and had to go off late, potentially a calamity with the stakes so high.
I ran down the beach on my starting whistle knowing that only Teresa with her mermaid like qualities was only about 45 seconds behind me.  Would I be able to hold her off?  Not likely, she went passed me between the second and third buoy.  I was fourth man in so I had to catch one to get in the medal ceremony, who was it going to be?  I caught a glimpse of Dave ahead and went after him, but without a warm up my lungs were screaming for more air and my arms felt very heavy unable to catch the water.  I got passed him and he tucked in to my slipstream.  Was I going to be able to shake him off?  Ruth, Polly and Hildi were battling it out along the back straight but Hildi kept an advantage as she went passed Anneka.  In the far distance I saw splashing so that must have been Paul and Jon, as I rounded the third buoy I knew they were too far to catch unless they completely tightened up but these seasoned swimmers surely wouldn’t choke like that.  The last buoy appeared suddenly, and according to Ruth, who mistook it for a yellow capped swimmer, was the only person she was able to beat so easily J
I saw people on the beach ahead knowing the race had been won but I gave it my all with honour at stake.  I ran up the beach like a tired set of bag-pipes, lolloping over the line, completely spent.  I soon found out Jon had crossed the line first, followed by Paul., then Teresa and then Sara. Behind me closely was Hildi, Dave, Ruth, Anneka and Polly.  Full times below:
Official Results of the Sea Swim Fitness Handicap Chase 2011
1st:                Jon         14:10
2nd          Paul         14:29
3rd           Teresa     14:52
4th           Sara         15:15
5th           Ollie        16:10
6th           Hildi        16:29
7th           Dave       17:16
8th           Ruth        18:02
9th           Anneka   19:02
10th         Polly       20:19

Actual Swim times (Useful for next years handicap race!)
Teresa: 09:45
Jon:        11:44
Ollie       11:49
Hildi       13:14
Paul       13:29
Dave      13:41
Sara       13:44
Ruth      14:22
Polly      16:43
Anneka  19:02
Everyone made it round safe and sound thanks too for our support kayaks who looked like they were loving the kayaking! Thanks Barry and Stefan. Other dippers were Sharon and Clive, Joan and Tracy.  Penny and Elsie managed to guard the food on the beach and resisted the temptation of opening the chocolate brownie tin!
Once all back and dry we handed out a stunning trophy for 1st male and Female – well done to Jon and Teresa, and certificates for the top three placed for Men and Women.  The bravest award went to the last runner up in the form of a delicious courgette, what beauties! – Well done to Dave and perhaps the best applause for Polly who completed the course at a tender age of 9.  She is DEFINITELY one for the future, what a star.
Fresh mackerel on the bar-b, sausage and bacon sarnies, and loads of tea flowing it was the perfect start to the day as we all relaxed in the sunshine before packing up.
It was so nice to see such a great turn out, thank you everyone for making the 100th swim so memorable.
not bad loot for the bravest swimmers

The runners and riders

they are underway, Domino gives superb instruction!

The winners strut their stuff in the finishing chute

The knackered set of bag-pipes hauls himself over the line

hildi in across the line

Super Polly charges for the line

Official results are checked and verified

soaking up the weather and bar-b

Tuck in to that local, line caught fish!  Like a male lion :), the winner of the race gets first pickings

Presentation ceremony for the race winner


  1. Fab write up, and what a race! I knew I should have shaved my legs ;-)

  2. Wot a fabulous start to a great day,such fun!! Really enjoyed it as did Barry thanks :-)
