Established 2010

Established 2010

Saturday 23 July 2011

Saturday Swim With Esporta Brighton Multisports

The sea was so lovely on Friday, and Tony who usually opens up for the Esporta pool session (wimps!) at 7am on Saturday was still away watching Le Tour, so Hildi suggested a joint swim on Saturday.

2 main groups of Esporta swimmers in (taking a bit longer than the Saltdean swimmers usually do to get into the briny), plus Paul C and Anneka. Hildi was restricted to widths of the groins as she was babysitting Elsie, but got chatting to an aquaintance of Joan's (Judy) on the beach and another older bather. When Jon and Teresa got out, Hildi went in to meet some of the others and was greeted by a 'You're naked!' (non-wetsuited).

Various numbers of laps round the buoys were swum. Esporta cries of 'Isn't this lovely?!' and 'Is it always this clear?' abounded. Johnny Mac even said 'Thank you'.

Then it was off for breakfast and cycling (Sharon, T, Clive and Jon), running (John, Simon), collecting Polly (H and E) and other Saturday things.

Perhaps we'll meet again for another such swim?

Swimmers: (Esporta) Clive, Sharon, Teresa, Johnny Mac, Richard (International), Simon Roberts, Nick (SSF) Anneka, Paul C. (Dual registration) Hildi, Jon, Dave
Non Swimmers: Elsie
'Naked' swimmers: Paul C, Hildi (Anneka in shortie)
In (first wave): 7:35
Out: 8:05-8:30

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