Established 2010

Established 2010

Friday 8 July 2011

Don't mess with the skipper's daughter

Hildi arrived for a pre-swim run along the front to test her tri-suit and get her legs in gear for Newhaven Tri on Sunday to find Dave, Sara AND DOMINO - bag-carrier and supporter extraordinaire - plus CAKE already present! Going through the wind tunnel that some know as the subway, it was clear that the sea would be in a mood to take no prisoners and that anyone braving it would deserve said cake.

Soon joined by Joan and Paul who advised Ollie was doing something involving child-care. After zipping Dave into his wetsuit, we headed over the seaweed dumped on the westerly beach by the sea, and Paul plunged in. He avoided the waves with his trade-mark method of ducking beneath the wall of white-water (which we were to learn later characterises a wave known as 'the skipper's daughter') and Hildi decided to wait for two even larger waves to finish before she tried to follow him. Unfortunately these waves were followed by even bigger ones and by the time everyone was at the water's edge, it looked like only an idiot would go in. So we watched Paul enjoying himself. ;-)

Jealously we played in the waves until Paul was ready to get out. Sara sustained some grazing from being dashed against the pebbles and Dave's goggles were dislodged. Hildi and Joan just frolicking in the surf. Ollie turned up with Penny wrapped in a blanket to enjoy the spectacle and to agree that these were far from ideal swimming conditions - so we felt vindicated.

We stood by ready to grab Paul when he was dashed against the ground but he got out with relative ease and some poise - well done, Paul.

Back up the beach for a little jog for Hildi and some of Sara's home-made berry cake. The breakfast of kings - delicious despite Sara's attempts to sell it short. Protecting our eyes from the glare on Domino's white legs we tried to engage Penny in conversation (she was probably thinking what nutters were were but enjoying the cake).

In - Paul
Out - Ollie and Penny
Inbetweeners - Hildi, Sara, Joan and Dave

Temperature - wetsuits definately optional

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