Established 2010

Established 2010

Friday 15 July 2011

Friday 15th July - Easy laps of Buoys

and so the normal format ensued this morning with a blitz to Rottingdean on the Wednesday and laps of the buoys on the Friday.  Most people race now at weekends so its a chance to take an easy swim and keep things ticking over.  In the water today doing laps of the three outer buoys were Dave, Hildi, Anita, Ollie, and Sara, with Joan and Steffan opting out of laps.  Joined also by our man on the ground Domino.

By the time we got out to the furtherst buoy we realised there was quite a current from the west, so the first lap was like a dream, we roared off.  Ollie in his wetsuit today with Anita and Dave with Hildi and Sara opting for just he cossie.

It was a hard effort all the way back from the most easterly buoy to the most westerly and so on the second lap we went the other way around and used the middle to break up the journey.  it was a bit like swimming the shaped of a bow (as in Robin Hood) as the three buoys where out of line.

After two laps we had really all ground to a halt and headed in to relax and prepare for the weekends swims, only to later find out they would both (pier to pier and Brighton Aquathlon) be cancelled due to adverse weather.

In: 7:13
Out 8:00

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