Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 29 February 2012

A quiet swim slipping into a day that doesn't really exist

Sea mist and no Ollie or Sara. It seemed a little bit quiet.

Still getting warmer but not so sunny, we took our time getting in and aimed again for 'widths'. Joan as usual setting us off. Pete and Paul first to complete width one, with Hildi and Alex opting for breaststroke to begin with. Hildi soon switched to crawl and, feeling the pressure after Sunday's rash swim (surely only possible because Big G was on her side on the sabbath) decided to match the '4 widths' achievement and better it by adding tumble turns off the 'groins' as she calls them.

Hildi last one in and last out, enjoying post swim quiet contemplation in the fuzzy glow of the winter seas before a day of chaos at work. Pete had already headed off to warm up in the gym pool when she got out to share what must surely be the last of the Christmas treats with the others.

If it had really been the 1st of March as Hildi's and Paul's watches said, this would have completed Hildi's year round dipping without a wetsuit. But being a leap day, she will have to wait until Friday to get her award.

Swimmers: Paul C, Joan, Pete, Hildi, Alex
Time in: 7.12
Time out: 7:26
Conditions: Like a mysterious millpond

Monday 27 February 2012

Sunday Service

Instead of going to church this morning, we opted to congregate on Saltdean beach. We were led by Reverend Mitchell who swam an amazing 4 widths which, given the temperatures, was a decent achievement. No doubt Hildi will be the first one to make it to Rottingdean this year!  I completed 2 and a bit, running out of puff a bit too easily - massively out of condition this past couple of weeks. Alex also completed two and Joan, as usual, just made it look a bit too easy. A sunny day, calm conditions, temperatures almost at those you would expect for Spring.

Swimmers: Hildi, Joan, Alex and Paul C
Sea Temp: 5C
Air Temp: 7C

Thursday 23 February 2012

What's this coming over the hill, is it a Stefan?

I wasn't feeling too well today so opted to be the land crew. It was great watching the others gingerly prepare themselves for the hellish cold that is Saltdean beach in Winter. A stiff breeze made my opt-out doubly exciting - to me at least. However, general air temperatures are remarkably good for February. Low tide, and eventually all swimmers made it into the water. Joan first, followed by Ollie, Pete, Hildi and Alex. And then, out of the corner of my eye I notice a track-suited gentleman running as fast as he could towards the sea. That is not normally the way it works this time of year. Yes, it was group lifeguard Stefan who had obviously spotted one of our number in difficulty. Turned out it was just Ollie with his hands under his armpits bobbing around making high pitched squeals. False alarm.

Swimmers: Ollie, Joan, Alex, Hildi and Pete
Non Swimmers: Paul C and Steffan
Sea Temp: 5C

Friday 17 February 2012

Friday swim 17 February

Not such sunny weather, but, lured by the promise of Swiss chocolate from Ollie's business trip, the swimmers gathered again on Saltdean beach. The air temperature seemed warmer than of late and so the challenge was laid down: a width of the groins! It might not sound much but in Winter, with the water drawing every ounce of warmth and energy from the body, it's a challenge akin to the 5km Ovingdean dash in August. If anyone doubts me, feel free to try it!

We ran to the far groin and swam back. Ollie claiming his first win of the year. Then, once warmed up and feeling the glow that resides on the boundary between pleasure and pain, we bathed a little longer. Breast stroking and crawling a few strokes this way and that.

Getting changed a more sociable and leisurely affair without the biting winds. Then warm croissants, rainbow cake left over from Polly's birthday sleepover, and the Swiss chocolate. All consumed on the picnic blankets which mysteriously appeared out of our bags. We are thinking Spring thoughts, people. Soon, very soon, we will be joined by our warm water loving friends.

Swimmers: Ollie, Paul C, Joan, Hildi, Alex.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

'... If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?'

Hildi taking advantage of ollie's absence to have a lie in instead of pre swim run. Met Alex and Joan by the sea and soon joined by Paul C (plus bike).

Paul whipped his camera out to shoot the sunrise but all noted that the best view of the sun rise is from the sea. We were soon to find out. Joan in first against the sun rise and then Alex and Paul. Finally Hildi. Although the air was a barmy 5 degrees, the sea was still very cold, but today an absence of swearing and shrieking on entering the water. Perhaps that was the effect of the sun rise?

Predominantly breaststroke but some front crawl attempted by Hildi and Paul. The sun on the water, splash of the waves lapping gently on the shore. Quiet, peaceful, lovely. Enjoyed and then rm croissants and cake and off to enjoy the day.

Friday 10 February 2012

A stefan encounter

Graced by the tall figure of Stefan, Joan Alex and Ollie shed clothes and looked out to sea.  The Tide was some way out.  This was going to be a shallow, cold and somewhat difficult swim.  Stefan left us to try out his new camera.  He was at the waters edge when we set off to join him.  Wading out the temaperature started to get to our feet.  Knee high felt like a long walk.  A bit further and we hit rocks, this was going to be a weird one!  Joan in, with Alex and I trying to work out how we could get our bodies under.  Admiring the "there is no problem here" spirit from Joan we fell back into the water, lounging, like a pair of hippos, but not in such a warm muddy puddle.  The cold was biting.  No depth to get any speed up and generate some heat, just cold, fridge like lapping waves.  we felt a small rush of blood into the organs but by that time my hands felt like they were going to drop off.  My complete lack of organisation meant I haven't worn gloves since about last March.  No point now...although freezing, the water appears to be on 'the turn'.  On harsh days like this we miss the weasal, no-one more than joan who has to put up with a couple of wimps/hippos.
All good though, the hot shower afterwards was piping hot and lifted the mood considerably.  Good enough to get a pic onto facebook.  Vive la swim!
Mad as a box of frogs.
And thanks for the pics Stefan!  Nice surprise to see you!

Wednesday 8 February 2012

I’m going to officially start moaning now

This weather thing going on at the moment, ok, ok, we have proved we can do cold but can we try remembering what its like doing warm?
I mean, come on, what have we come to when I was pleasantly surprised that it was only -1 deg in the car….oooh positively warm! Down on the beach, Hildi Paul and I waited for Joan and Alex to join us.  A salvo of 5 to hit the water.

Walking to the East Groyne to seek some protection from the wind, I eyed a crack in the groyne to hang my shirt up on its hanger.  That would be -1 when I put it on not 15 mins from now.  But what would that next 15 mins hold.  Well, more of the same as we are used to.  Mental confusion about which layer to take off first.  Take the hat off and head would freeze before shorts go on.  And vice versa.  Decisions, decisions, is it only me going through this I wondered?  Meanwhile, Joan is off.  Like a pocket rocket she sprints from the groyne heading out across the beach with a john regis type running style.  Out of earshot she did not hear our congratulatory words of praise. Alex next, then Paul and by the time I had faffed my way to ready (narrowly beating Hildi to it) I surveyed the channel.  She looked strangely inviting.   I tickled the thermometer n her breaking shoreline.  3.5 degrees.  Ouch.  The thermometer had actually risen  when plopped in the water, but my method and reading skills was proved to be below par to register an official reading – another would have to follow.   Hands were cold already.  Time to get in.

Heart rate increasing, I trotted in.  leapt over a few teeny waves and soon it was splashing round the thighs.  About to reach the all important swear zone a little higher up.  Three more strides and too my right I see Paul and Alex with arms in the air still wading.  I was going to be second under after Joan after all.  Two more strides and I dived in.  Fully immersed I didn’t feel it as cold as I thought.  But after surfacing the pain started to set in.  Every inch of skin trying to retreat and the pain of the cold.  It was crushing.  This is when I try to slip into a mental calm and regulate breathing, but Alex and I got a fit of the giggles  and watching Hildi coming in seemed to make it worse.  Breathing settled I resorted to me new favourite stroke.  Hands under armpits, on back kicking.  I did manage several strokes of front crawl, as did Hildi and Paul, and I did spot a Portuguese version of breaststroke in cold water J Perhaps butterfly on Friday? 

After about 5 mins of suffering we all emerged, Joan clocking somewhere near 10 mins I would think.  Joan took the official reading of the sea at 2.5 degrees.   This is now officially the coldest swim I have ever done.  On to the fun of changing which I’m getting better at.  The hot water tank was very hot this morning and very welcomed.  I hugged it unable to let go!  After we all filled booties with hot water and had a shower (of sorts) we munched ginger cake and all seemed to get dressed without too much swearing.  Finally, we spotted fine snow falling, but although it settled briefly on my scarf we were not able to see a visible effect on the ground.  This prompted talks of what constitutes a ‘snow swim’ and perhaps fundamentally, what constitutes a ‘swim’ at all?  All important details to obtaining the illusive Gold award for SSF.  A debate for round a pub table for sure, one that will be arranged soon.

Swimmers for 5-10 mins: Alex (laughing), Ollie, Hildi, Paul, Joan.
Conditions: Friday is forecast snow, but can it get any colder than today?  I doubt it.

Friday 3 February 2012

Sorting the men from the boys

If you can swim in February, you can swim anytime and anywhere. Good calm conditions, a little overcast. Just a width completed, but still impressive given the sea temps.

Swimmers: Joan, Paul C, Hildi, Ollie.
Sea Temps: 2.8C

Wednesday 1 February 2012

I think I've got frostbite!

Thank goodness Pete was there to open the cakes up! It was February, Joan informs us, the coldest month for sea swimming. There had even been a fluttering of snow the day before. But does that deter the SSF regulars? No, not at all, especially when there is a birthday to celebrate. In Sara's absence, both Hildi and Joan had written poems for Paul C (apparently it is also Paul W's birthday but he isn't known for his cold water appearances so we were safe there). Here are Hildi's offerings (Joan will have to post hers - it was good but I can't remember it). NB, Paul has just returned from the cold water swimming championships in Riga.

At the cold water swimming in Riga,
20 metres, a mile, or a league(a),
There were hot tubs galore,
but no cake, what a bore,
No Herman*, the pickings were meagre.

(NB Herman is a German friendship cake who has been doing the rounds of SSF)

"This cold water swimming's a breeze!"
said Paul, as he fell to his knees,
in the snow, then the sauna,
he wished it was warmer,
and returned to his home Saltdean seas.

After the birthday poems and the viewing of Riga pictures, we headed into the sea - from the East wall this time, looking for protection from the bitter wind, lending the air temperature a bracing minus 2 degree reading.

Joan was first in - by some time. Hildi looking (fruitlessly) for her wetsuit gloves (later discovered at home next to the radiator in the study) was last. Paul and Ollie both without gloves as befits their positions as founders of SSF and year-round swimmers. Alex in gloves and socks (and sandals - I'm sure he doesn't quite appreciate how funny that is). Pete was on doctors' orders (Hildi's and Jon's) NOT to swim, so he took Stefan's role of beach duty and photography before he went to have breakfast with Sara.

It was @%&*#y cold! The thermometer read 5 degrees but the wind chill was considerable. In fact, upon exiting the water, Hildi went running back in to warm up.

Getting changed, Pete assisted. All the hot water went and there was a lot of trouble with fastenings and particularly flasks due to numb sausage fingers. Cheese croissants, carrot cake and viennese whirls for the birthday boy's breakfast and then it was off to work, hopefully to thaw out.

At time of writing (1015pm) Hildi still does not have full feeling in the fingers on her left hand.

Swimmers: Joan, Ollie, Paul C, Alex, Hildi
Lifeguard and refreshment duty: Pete the Bike
Air temp: minus 2
Water temp: 5
Conditions: mid tide on the way out. Flat and still.
In and out rather quickly but all put shoulders and heads under and there was a serious attempt at swimming.