Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 8 February 2012

I’m going to officially start moaning now

This weather thing going on at the moment, ok, ok, we have proved we can do cold but can we try remembering what its like doing warm?
I mean, come on, what have we come to when I was pleasantly surprised that it was only -1 deg in the car….oooh positively warm! Down on the beach, Hildi Paul and I waited for Joan and Alex to join us.  A salvo of 5 to hit the water.

Walking to the East Groyne to seek some protection from the wind, I eyed a crack in the groyne to hang my shirt up on its hanger.  That would be -1 when I put it on not 15 mins from now.  But what would that next 15 mins hold.  Well, more of the same as we are used to.  Mental confusion about which layer to take off first.  Take the hat off and head would freeze before shorts go on.  And vice versa.  Decisions, decisions, is it only me going through this I wondered?  Meanwhile, Joan is off.  Like a pocket rocket she sprints from the groyne heading out across the beach with a john regis type running style.  Out of earshot she did not hear our congratulatory words of praise. Alex next, then Paul and by the time I had faffed my way to ready (narrowly beating Hildi to it) I surveyed the channel.  She looked strangely inviting.   I tickled the thermometer n her breaking shoreline.  3.5 degrees.  Ouch.  The thermometer had actually risen  when plopped in the water, but my method and reading skills was proved to be below par to register an official reading – another would have to follow.   Hands were cold already.  Time to get in.

Heart rate increasing, I trotted in.  leapt over a few teeny waves and soon it was splashing round the thighs.  About to reach the all important swear zone a little higher up.  Three more strides and too my right I see Paul and Alex with arms in the air still wading.  I was going to be second under after Joan after all.  Two more strides and I dived in.  Fully immersed I didn’t feel it as cold as I thought.  But after surfacing the pain started to set in.  Every inch of skin trying to retreat and the pain of the cold.  It was crushing.  This is when I try to slip into a mental calm and regulate breathing, but Alex and I got a fit of the giggles  and watching Hildi coming in seemed to make it worse.  Breathing settled I resorted to me new favourite stroke.  Hands under armpits, on back kicking.  I did manage several strokes of front crawl, as did Hildi and Paul, and I did spot a Portuguese version of breaststroke in cold water J Perhaps butterfly on Friday? 

After about 5 mins of suffering we all emerged, Joan clocking somewhere near 10 mins I would think.  Joan took the official reading of the sea at 2.5 degrees.   This is now officially the coldest swim I have ever done.  On to the fun of changing which I’m getting better at.  The hot water tank was very hot this morning and very welcomed.  I hugged it unable to let go!  After we all filled booties with hot water and had a shower (of sorts) we munched ginger cake and all seemed to get dressed without too much swearing.  Finally, we spotted fine snow falling, but although it settled briefly on my scarf we were not able to see a visible effect on the ground.  This prompted talks of what constitutes a ‘snow swim’ and perhaps fundamentally, what constitutes a ‘swim’ at all?  All important details to obtaining the illusive Gold award for SSF.  A debate for round a pub table for sure, one that will be arranged soon.

Swimmers for 5-10 mins: Alex (laughing), Ollie, Hildi, Paul, Joan.
Conditions: Friday is forecast snow, but can it get any colder than today?  I doubt it.

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