Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 1 February 2012

I think I've got frostbite!

Thank goodness Pete was there to open the cakes up! It was February, Joan informs us, the coldest month for sea swimming. There had even been a fluttering of snow the day before. But does that deter the SSF regulars? No, not at all, especially when there is a birthday to celebrate. In Sara's absence, both Hildi and Joan had written poems for Paul C (apparently it is also Paul W's birthday but he isn't known for his cold water appearances so we were safe there). Here are Hildi's offerings (Joan will have to post hers - it was good but I can't remember it). NB, Paul has just returned from the cold water swimming championships in Riga.

At the cold water swimming in Riga,
20 metres, a mile, or a league(a),
There were hot tubs galore,
but no cake, what a bore,
No Herman*, the pickings were meagre.

(NB Herman is a German friendship cake who has been doing the rounds of SSF)

"This cold water swimming's a breeze!"
said Paul, as he fell to his knees,
in the snow, then the sauna,
he wished it was warmer,
and returned to his home Saltdean seas.

After the birthday poems and the viewing of Riga pictures, we headed into the sea - from the East wall this time, looking for protection from the bitter wind, lending the air temperature a bracing minus 2 degree reading.

Joan was first in - by some time. Hildi looking (fruitlessly) for her wetsuit gloves (later discovered at home next to the radiator in the study) was last. Paul and Ollie both without gloves as befits their positions as founders of SSF and year-round swimmers. Alex in gloves and socks (and sandals - I'm sure he doesn't quite appreciate how funny that is). Pete was on doctors' orders (Hildi's and Jon's) NOT to swim, so he took Stefan's role of beach duty and photography before he went to have breakfast with Sara.

It was @%&*#y cold! The thermometer read 5 degrees but the wind chill was considerable. In fact, upon exiting the water, Hildi went running back in to warm up.

Getting changed, Pete assisted. All the hot water went and there was a lot of trouble with fastenings and particularly flasks due to numb sausage fingers. Cheese croissants, carrot cake and viennese whirls for the birthday boy's breakfast and then it was off to work, hopefully to thaw out.

At time of writing (1015pm) Hildi still does not have full feeling in the fingers on her left hand.

Swimmers: Joan, Ollie, Paul C, Alex, Hildi
Lifeguard and refreshment duty: Pete the Bike
Air temp: minus 2
Water temp: 5
Conditions: mid tide on the way out. Flat and still.
In and out rather quickly but all put shoulders and heads under and there was a serious attempt at swimming.

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