Established 2010

Established 2010

Thursday 23 February 2012

What's this coming over the hill, is it a Stefan?

I wasn't feeling too well today so opted to be the land crew. It was great watching the others gingerly prepare themselves for the hellish cold that is Saltdean beach in Winter. A stiff breeze made my opt-out doubly exciting - to me at least. However, general air temperatures are remarkably good for February. Low tide, and eventually all swimmers made it into the water. Joan first, followed by Ollie, Pete, Hildi and Alex. And then, out of the corner of my eye I notice a track-suited gentleman running as fast as he could towards the sea. That is not normally the way it works this time of year. Yes, it was group lifeguard Stefan who had obviously spotted one of our number in difficulty. Turned out it was just Ollie with his hands under his armpits bobbing around making high pitched squeals. False alarm.

Swimmers: Ollie, Joan, Alex, Hildi and Pete
Non Swimmers: Paul C and Steffan
Sea Temp: 5C

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