Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 15 February 2012

'... If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?'

Hildi taking advantage of ollie's absence to have a lie in instead of pre swim run. Met Alex and Joan by the sea and soon joined by Paul C (plus bike).

Paul whipped his camera out to shoot the sunrise but all noted that the best view of the sun rise is from the sea. We were soon to find out. Joan in first against the sun rise and then Alex and Paul. Finally Hildi. Although the air was a barmy 5 degrees, the sea was still very cold, but today an absence of swearing and shrieking on entering the water. Perhaps that was the effect of the sun rise?

Predominantly breaststroke but some front crawl attempted by Hildi and Paul. The sun on the water, splash of the waves lapping gently on the shore. Quiet, peaceful, lovely. Enjoyed and then rm croissants and cake and off to enjoy the day.

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