Established 2010

Established 2010

Friday 10 February 2012

A stefan encounter

Graced by the tall figure of Stefan, Joan Alex and Ollie shed clothes and looked out to sea.  The Tide was some way out.  This was going to be a shallow, cold and somewhat difficult swim.  Stefan left us to try out his new camera.  He was at the waters edge when we set off to join him.  Wading out the temaperature started to get to our feet.  Knee high felt like a long walk.  A bit further and we hit rocks, this was going to be a weird one!  Joan in, with Alex and I trying to work out how we could get our bodies under.  Admiring the "there is no problem here" spirit from Joan we fell back into the water, lounging, like a pair of hippos, but not in such a warm muddy puddle.  The cold was biting.  No depth to get any speed up and generate some heat, just cold, fridge like lapping waves.  we felt a small rush of blood into the organs but by that time my hands felt like they were going to drop off.  My complete lack of organisation meant I haven't worn gloves since about last March.  No point now...although freezing, the water appears to be on 'the turn'.  On harsh days like this we miss the weasal, no-one more than joan who has to put up with a couple of wimps/hippos.
All good though, the hot shower afterwards was piping hot and lifted the mood considerably.  Good enough to get a pic onto facebook.  Vive la swim!
Mad as a box of frogs.
And thanks for the pics Stefan!  Nice surprise to see you!

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