Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Found: Iron Hildi and Pete the Bike - missing since September 2010

A dull and drizzly morning witnessed the return of Ollie and warm water specialists Hildi and Pete. After much deliberation we all headed down to the beach and into the wet stuff. The tide was very, very low indeed, so much so it had practically disappeared. I, for one, just hoped there wasn't a tsunami on the way.

Ollie and Joan were the brave souls who skipped the wetsuit. Myself and Sara were the hardier swimmers who ventured out furthest and stayed in the longest. Pete and Hildi were perhaps the pluckiest by choosing to swim in temperatures ordinarily a long way outside their comfort zone.

There were no cormorants flying overhead today just a selection of gulls looking for some easy pickings. The waves were breaking a long way out, and whilst not that big, did make for a brisk swimming experience if you had your mouth open at the wrong time. The current was not strong, but ever-present, leading Sara to swim in diagonal lines with the hope she would be end up swimming straight.

All back in at various intervals during the next half hour where we enjoyed tea and carrot cake, generously provided by Joan. Many thanks.

There was talk of the big 8K swim later in the year, tentatively pencilled in for the first weekend in August. Pete suggested a swim down the River Cuckmere and into the open sea. Interestingly this was something I had actually planned to do myself at some point having first nutured the idea during a school field trip in the area many years ago. Watch this space.

I believe we will be reverting back to 7am starts next week now that the mornings are  becoming lighter and the opportunity for longer swims is now presenting itself.

Air temp: 7C
Sea temp: 7C
Swimmers: Ollie, Joan, Hildi, Sara, Pete and Joan
Time In: 7:24, Time Out: 7:59

"Ee-up lass, that's just champion!"
Pete indicating to Joan that he has finally managed to zip up
his wetsuit over his hot water bottle.
Ollie now regretting not bringing his.

How many SSF ladies does it require to take a photograph? :)

Sara demonstrating one of her chicken's attempt to fly :)

Joan promises an extra portion of carrot cake
to the first person to complete their swim

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