Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Hallucination anyone?

This morning was a little cold and damp, a persistent southerly wind added a chill factor and a slightly hardcore element to the impending swim as the four of us met at the tunnel and swaggered on to the beach.  Sara, Joan, Paul C and Ollie came to a stop beside the western groyne and surveyed the sea (yes, Paul C was there bang on time!).  A brown, mirky garibaldi sea (with currents in – thanks to Sara for the definition) that presented 2-3 ft waves.  The tide was half in so at its fastest, clawing itself up the beach with every wave.  Joan was having none of it, and tore off down the beach, first in and then the three remaining went in slowly with Ollie squawking like one of Sara’s chickens as the water rose above his thighs! It was chilly, later tests showed it as 5 degs, a 1.5 deg rise from Monday.  How can this be?  Well, after a bit of chat we learned form our own Yoda that due to the southerly winds the sea has warmed slightly even in as short a time as 2 days.  It didn’t feel that warm but the mercury never lies!!!!  Sara and Paul set off into the wind being a little wary of the swell and tidal currents, whilst Joan and Ollie began discussing the finer things you can get up to in Singapore. Wonderful chat over a plummeting body temp.  then I went in to get dressed and some time later we all re-grouped on the beach.  Paul and Sara went in again without suit to get a final blast.  I was trying to explain how the cold feels when in longer than a dip – perhaps this is better articulated in the blog so here goes…. Upon entry you think this is bloody freezing. After 1 minute you think this is intolerable.  After 2 mins you begin to numb to the cold.  After 3 mins your heart settles and you relax.  After 4 mins you forget the cold and take in the beauty of it.  After 5 minutes you start to feel cold.  After 6 mins you think can I grab 1 more minute before I have to go in.  possibly not, as after 7 minutes I’m usually on the beach.  Sometimes I don’t get to 7 minutes!  You’ll have to ask Joan what happens at minutes 8, 9 and 10, as I just haven’t been there.  Halucination perhaps?  Tea and chat then played out, incorporating alternative careers for people in the pharmaceutical industry,  summer garden parties, swimming coaching in the endless pool and an xmas bash.  I was very close to title’ing this one J£sus my nuts are freezing, but went for the more gentle philosophical debate on hallucination at cold temperatures. 
Swimmers: Ollie, Joan, Sara and Paul C
In: 7:35  Out: 7:55 after two dips!

(words contributed by Ollie, video by Joan)

Cold water training part 1

Cold water training part 2

Cold water training part 3

Cold water training part 4

Cold water training part 5

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