Established 2010

Established 2010

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Jam tarts and a cup of tea

I was first to arrive - just - a shade ahead of Joan in her monster truck. Only three of us today, our leader Ollie is away in Singapore.

Meanwhile, Sara, Joan and myself congregated on the beach ahead of our traditional Wednesday morning swim. Temperatures climbing rapidly now, air temp is 8C and the sea was 6C, which means the hardcore temps (40F = 4.4C) are now at an end for the season. All gets warmer from here on out.

Conversation started between Joan and Sara regarding massages and the use of "wibbly-wobbly" things. I have to confess that my ear plugs were half way in at this point, and whilst I hastily attempted to remove them (this was difficult as I had my swimming gloves on), I fear I missed the remainder and the context of the conversation, so must remain blissfully intrigued....

Straight into the sea, almost low-tide so a long trek out to some deeper water. A little bit chilly, some brisk waves and quite a dragging sort of sideways current. Sara headed off to France though I was in two minds as to whether I should follow her. Problem was that I had forgotten my nose clip (due to earlier distractions) and also needed to be at work by 9:30am latest, so I wasn't so sure I could get back across the Channel in time. Sara obviously had similar concerns because she turned back after around a mile or two. Actually the sea temperature is not too bad, quite swimmable in a wetsuit.

We all floated for a bit and stared at the heavens. No morning sun, although there were a flock of cormorants and a friendly albatross stopped by to say hello. Around 25 minutes later we all headed in and enjoyed some of Sara's home-made jam tarts and cups of tea. Sara headed back in sans wetsuit, but I felt no inclination to do so as I needed to be at work by 9:30 sharp. We agreed to move the start time to 7:15am going forwards as the mornings are getting noticeably lighter now that Spring is on its way.

Time In: 7:35
Time Out: 7:59

Swimmers: Sara, Joan and Paul C

Here we go! Here we go! Here we go!

Quick, someone talk me out of it

Shoulders under

I've actually had enough but can't get out

Now I would walk 500 miles, then I would walk 500 more

Oh dear, I'm turning into a block of ice

Joan thawing out a frozen Sara

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